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Forum "Grammatik" - complete the sentences
complete the sentences < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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complete the sentences: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:09 Di 13.09.2005
Autor: suzan

Please complete the sentences with "for" and "since" and the following verbs.
- (to) work- (to) study- (to) live- (to) learn- (to) be- (to) start

a) Sheila works at the Job Centre for five months.

b) She studys in Clarence Road since she moved here.

c) She lives in Germany for two years.

d) Michael learned an electrician for he left school.

e) Colin is at university for four years now.

f) Mrs Davenport starts work again for April.

Stimmt das so??

complete the sentences: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 11:18 Di 13.09.2005
Autor: trully

a) Sheila works at the Job Centre for five months.

b) She studys in Clarence Road since she moved here.

c) She lives in Germany for two years.

d) Michael learned an electrician for he left school.

e) Colin is at university for four years now.

f) Mrs Davenport starts work again for April.

a) richtig

complete the sentences: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:21 Di 13.09.2005
Autor: suzan

huhu trully,

> a) Sheila works at the Job Centre for five months.
> b) She studys in Clarence Road since she moved here.
> c) She lives in Germany for two years.
> d) Michael learned an electrician for he left school.
> e) Colin is at university for four years now.
> f) Mrs Davenport starts work again for April.
> a) richtig
>  b)richtig
>  c)falsch
>  d)falsch
>  e)richtig
>  f)richtig

ok also c,d ist falsch..
c) She lives in German for two years.

d) Michael learns an electrician since he left school.

jetzt richtig??

complete the sentences: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 11:27 Di 13.09.2005
Autor: Britta82


> > c) She lives in Germany for two years.
>  >  
> > d) Michael learned an electrician for he left school.
>  >  
> > e) Colin is at university for four years now.
>  >  
> > f) Mrs Davenport starts work again for April.
>  >  
> > a) richtig
>  >  b)richtig
>  >  c)falsch
>  >  d)falsch
>  >  e)richtig
>  >  f)richtig
> ok also c,d ist falsch..
>  c) She lives in German for two years.

Germany war schon richtig, das ist ja das Land, aber der Satz muß doch lauten, sie lebte...

> d) Michael learns an electrician since he left school.

since ist richtig aber du kannst nicht sagen learns an electrician, was soll das heißen lernte einen Elektriker.
Er lernte Elektriker zu sein, also learns to be an...

Außerdem heißt es in f) she starts work again in April




complete the sentences: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:33 Di 13.09.2005
Autor: Marc

Hallo Suzan,

>  Please complete the sentences with "for" and "since" and
> the following verbs.
>  - (to) work- (to) study- (to) live- (to) learn- (to) be-
> (to) start
> a) Sheila works at the Job Centre for five months.
> b) She studys in Clarence Road since she moved here.
> c) She lives in Germany for two years.
> d) Michael learned an electrician for he left school.
> e) Colin is at university for four years now.
> f) Mrs Davenport starts work again for April.

Bitte poste doch auch noch die Originalaufgabenstellung, so dass man erkennen kann, was du ergänzt hast.

Meiner Meinung nach sind alle Antworten falsch, denn die Signalwörter "for" und "since" stehen doch immer mit Verlaufsform "Present Perfect Progressive":

Sheila has been working at the Job Centre for five months.

She has been studying...

Am I wrong?

Viele Grüße,

complete the sentences: Du hast recht
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:47 Di 13.09.2005
Autor: Britta82


du hast recht, bei since und for kann nur die Verlaufsform stehen.

An Dich Suzan,

am besten du erstellst dir mal eine kleine Tabelle mit den Zeiten und Beispielsätzen, dann kannst du nicht so durcheinander kommen. Ihr habt doch auch sicher vor jeder Übung Beispielsätze stehen, achte da doch mal ganz genau auf die Zeiten.



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