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Forum "Übersetzung" - Übersetzung
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Übersetzung: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:08 Mo 24.10.2005
Autor: suzan

Hallöchen zusammen

ich muss diesen text ins englische übersetzen:

Frau Brown war krank und hatte ihre Tochter Jill geweckt, damit sie für sie einkaufen geht. Jill nahm ihren kleinen Bruder mit. Als Jill sich und ihren kleinen Bruder Chris angezogen hatte, fragte sie ihre Mutter was sie einkaufen sollte. Frau Brown sagte ihr die Dinge und schrieb sie auf.
Jill ging mit Chris los zum Supermarkt. Als sie den Supermarkt erreichten, schaute sie nach den Dingen die sie einkaufen sollte. Chris nervte sie die ganze Zeit, weil er Schokolade haben wollte. Jill sagte ihm, dass er noch warten müsse bis sie alles im Einkaufswagen hat, was sie für die Mutter einkaufen sollte. Doch Chris gab keine Ruhe. Er bettelte und bettelte, aber Jill blieb hart und sagte ihm, wenn er lieb ist, dann bekommt er auch was süsses. Als sie dann alles zusammen hatte, hatte sie Chris total vergessen und ging zur Kasse. Als sie bezahlen wollte, hielt sie ein Mann an und bittete sie mit ihm ins Büro zu kommen. Nachdem Jill ein paar mal nachfragte wieso, ging sie mit Chris hinterher.
Der Mann war der Ladendedectiv und fragte Jill was sie in ihrer Tasche hätte. Jill antwortete das sie leer sei. Doch der Mann sagte ihr sie möchte doch mal nachschauen. Jill tat dieses und traute ihren Augen kaum. Mehrere Packungen Chokolade waren in ihrer Tasche. Der Mann sagte gleich zu ihr das sie sich keine Sorgen machen braucht, weil er über die Viedeoüberwachung gesehen hat, dass Chris diese Sachen in Jills Tasche gesteckt hat. Als Jill und Chris nach Hause kamen, erzählte Jill ihrer Mutter diese Geschichte. Frau Brown fand es nicht lustig und ermarnte Chris.

so das n un in englisch:

Mrs Brown was ill and she has awoke her daughter, so she goes shopping for her. Jill takes her little brother away. As  Jill put on herself and her little brither Chris, she asked her mother what she buy. Mrs Brown told her the things and wrote them of a letter. Jill was going with Chris to the Supermarket.
As they arrived the Supermarket, she looked for the things that she buyed. Chris bothered she all the time, because he want to had to chokolate. Jill said him, that he must be waiting, by she had all in the caddy, what she buy for her mother.But Chris gave none calm. He beged and beged, but Jill stayed hard and told him , when he was beloved, than he got some Sweeties. As she had all together, she had forget total Chris and goes to the cash desk. As she want to pay, a man hold she on and pleased she come with him into the office. After Jil asked him why, she sone with Chris afterward. The man was the assistant manager und asked Jill what she had in her shopping-bag. Jill answered that the shopping-bag was empty. But the man said that she looked in this shopping-bag. Jill does it and she little trust her eyes. Many packets chocolate was in the shopping-bag.
The man said that she wouldn't worry, because he saw all about the television-set, that Chris had stuck all the things in her shopping-bag.
As Jill and Chris come home, Jill told her mother the story. Mrs Brown found that not funny and advise Chris.

ist das so ok?


Übersetzung: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:32 Mo 24.10.2005
Autor: PunkRockPrincess

Eine Möglichkeit:

Mrs Brown was ill and she woke her daughter up, so she could  go shopping for her. Jill took her little brother with her. After dressing herself and her little brother, Jill asked her mother what to buy . Mrs Brown told her the things and wrote them down. Jill went to the supermarket with Chris.
As they arrived at the Supermarket, she looked for the things that she should buy. Chris bothered her all the time, because he wanted to have chocolate. Jill told him, that he had to wait until she had eveything she needed to buy for her mother in her caddy. But Chris wouldn't stop. He begged and begged, but Jill stood firm and told him he would get some candy, if he was nice. When she had all she needed, she had totally forgotten about Chris and went to the cashier. When she wanted to pay, a man stopped her and asked her to come into his office with him. After Jill inquired him why, she followed him with Chris. The man was the store detective and asked Jill what she had in her shopping-bag. Jill answered that her shopping-bag was empty. But the man told her that she should take a look into this shopping-bag. Jill did so and she could barely trust her eyes. Many chocolate bars were in the shopping-bag.
The man told her she shouldn't worry, because he saw on the surveillance camera screen that Chris had stuck all these things in her shopping-bag.
When Jill and Chris came home, Jill told her mother the story. Mrs Brown did not find this funny and cautioned her.

Das ist jetzt nicht böse gemeint, aber da waren ziemlich viele Fehler drin, vor allem Zeitenfehler und auch bei der KNG Kongruenz haperts gewaltig, da musst du unbedingt einiges nachholen, sonst wird das nichts!

edit: Wenn es nötig ist schreibe ich für jede Stelle eine Rechtfertigung, außerdem habe ich ja schon im Titel angegeben, dass es eine Möglichkeit zur Übersetzung ist, nicht die einzig Wahre und Richtige!

Übersetzung: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 22:01 Mo 24.10.2005
Autor: taura

Hallo suzan, hallo PunkRockPrincess!

Mrs Brown was ill and she had woken up her daughter, so she could go shopping for her. Jill took her little brother with her. After dressing herself and her little brother, Jill asked her mother what to buy. Mrs Brown told her the things and wrote them down. Jill went to the supermarket with Chris. besser: Jill took off to the supermarket with Chris. As they arrived at the Supermarket, she looked for the
things that she should buy. Chris bothered her all the time nicht sehr schön, besser: Chris kept bothering her, because he wanted to have chocolate. Jill told him, that he had to wait until she had eveything in her caddy that she needed to buy for her mother. But Chris gave no calm. (Viel zu wörtlich!) But Chris didn't stop. He begged and begged He went on begging her, but Jill stayed hard stood firm and told him that he would get some candy, if he was nice. When she had it all together everthing she needed, she had totally forgotten about Chirs and went to the cashier cash desk. When she wanted to pay, a man stopped her and asked her to come into his office with him. After Jill had asked him why several times, she followed him with Chris. The man was the store detective and asked Jill what she had in her
shopping-bag. Jill answered that the shopping-bag it was empty. But the man told her that she should look into this shopping-bag to check. Jill did it so and she could barely trust barely trusted her eyes. Many chocolate bars were in the shopping-bag. The man told her that she shouldn't worry not to worry, because he saw had seen on the monitoring camera that Chris had stuck all the things into her shopping-bag. When Jill and Chris came got home, Jill told the story to her mother. Mrs Brown did not find think this funny and advies reproved her.

> Das ist jetzt nicht böse gemeint, aber da waren ziemlich
> viele Fehler drin, vor allem Zeitenfehler und auch bei der
> KNG Kongruenz haperts gewaltig, da musst du unbedingt
> einiges nachholen, sonst wird das nichts!

Erstens: Deine Korrekturen waren auch nicht grade fehlerfrei, und zweitens: Dieses Forum ist dafür da, dass man hilft, und nicht dass man andere schlecht macht...

Gruß taura

Übersetzung: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 00:56 Di 25.10.2005
Autor: PunkRockPrincess

1. Denke ich nicht, dass ich alle Fehler im Text gefunden hab, dafür war ich zu unkonzentriert und die Sache war zu unübersichtlich

2. Sorry, dass ich kein Schulenglisch spreche, sondern Alltagsenglisch, aber das ist weder schlechter noch falsch. Deine Verbesserungen kommen vielleicht bei der Lehrerin besser an, aber im echten Leben nicht.

3. War das nicht böse gemeint, ich wollte ihr nur helfen, sich zu verbessern, anstatt ihr die richtige Lösung kommentarlos hinzuknallen, das hat nämich null Lerneffekt! Das bringt ihr dann für die HA jetzt was, aber weiter eben auch nicht!

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