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Forum "Grammatik" - simple past or present contino
simple past or present contino < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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simple past or present contino: aufgabe
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:56 Sa 25.11.2006
Autor: hiphopergirlnrwno2

kann mir mal bitte einer mit dieser aufgabe hier weiter helfen und zwar:

put the verbs into simple past or past continous.

michael king of blue sky is phoning john barton about his complaint.

j: hello abingdon 169784.
m: good morning. mr barton?
j: yes. john barton speaking.
m: oh hello. mr barton, it is michael king of blue sky here. sorry i haven`t phoned before but when your letter WAS ARRIVING (ARRIVE), i WAS VISITING (VISIT) one of our resorts in austria.
j: that is ok.
m: well, of course we WAS (BE) very sorry to hear that you DID NOT ENJOY (NOT ENJOY)  the holiday you BOOKED (BOOK)with us.
j: well, as i WAS POINTING OUT (POINT OUT) in my letter , a lot of things just DID NOT AGREE (NOT AGREE) whit the catalogue- or with what your assistant TOLD ME (TELL ME), either.
m: that may be so. mr barton, but there are always two sides to these things, are not there? for example, you say in your letter what you WAS HOPING (HOPE) to find-
j: now hold on mr king. i WAS NOT WRITING (NOT WRITE) what i WAS HOPING (HOPE)to find at all. i WRITED (WRITE) what i EXPECTED (EXPECT) from what you and your catalouge LEADED (LEAD) me to believe. that is my point.
m: ok then, perhaps so, but that does not apply to other things, does it? for example , that you could not sleep because MAKED (MAKE) a lot of noise and planes WAS TAKING (TAKE OFF) all night. that is just your subjective opinion, is not it, mr barton?
j: oh come on, mr king you know very well what i mean. and as for that awful minibus- really!
m: ah, yes, the minibus. well, we E-MAILED (E-MAIL) winnipeg about that yesterday and they ANSWERED (ANSWER) immediately. that minibus COMED (COME) to collect you because the van GIVED (GIVE) trouble, that is all. you really can not argue wiht that, can you?
j. well, perhaps not, but-

ich habe mal versucht richtig einzusetzten das fett gedruckte aber ich weiß leider nicht ob das richtig ist deswegen wäre es nett wenn einer mal nach schauen kann!!!


simple past or present contino: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:36 Sa 25.11.2006
Autor: Riley

Hi Sarah,

I tried to correct your exercise - but first of all you should have a look at irregular verbs and at the subjects (if they're singular or plural)!

j: hello abingdon 169784.
m: good morning. mr barton?
j: yes. john barton speaking.
m: oh hello. mr barton, it is michael king of blue sky here. sorry i haven't phoned before but when your letter WAS ARRIVING (ARRIVE) arrived, i WAS VISITING (VISIT) one of our resorts in austria.
  "visiting" is the action that takes longer (period of time), opposed to the arrival of the letter .
j: that is ok.
m: well, of course we WAS (BE) werevery sorry to hear that you DID NOT ENJOY (NOT ENJOY) ( maybe: were not enjoying )   the holiday you BOOKED (BOOK)with us.
j: well, as i WAS POINTING OUT (POINT OUT) in my letter , a lot of things just DID NOT AGREE (NOT AGREE) whit the catalogue- or with what your assistant TOLD ME (TELL ME), either.
m: that may be so. mr barton, but there are always two sides to these things, aren't there? for example, you said in your letter what you WAS HOPING (HOPE) were hoping to find-

j: now hold on mr king. i WAS NOT WRITING (NOT WRITE) didn't write what i WAS HOPING (HOPE)to find at all. i WRITED (WRITE) wrote (!!!) what i EXPECTED (EXPECT) from what you and your catalouge LEADED (LEAD) led (!) me to believe. that is my point.
m: ok then, perhaps so, but that does not apply to other things, does it? for example , that you could not sleep because what ?? MAKED (MAKE) made (!!)   a lot of noise and planes WAS TAKING were taking   (TAKE OFF) all night. that is just your subjective opinion, is not it, mr barton?
j: oh come on, mr king you know very well what i mean. and as for that awful minibus- really!
m: ah, yes, the minibus. well, we E-MAILED (E-MAIL) winnipeg about that yesterday and they ANSWERED (ANSWER) immediately. that minibus COMED (COME) came (!!!) to collect you because the van GIVED (GIVE) gave (!!) / was giving trouble, that is all. you really can not argue wiht that, can you?
j. well, perhaps not, but-

well, that's what i would write -  no guarantee!

have a great weekend, too!


simple past or present contino: dankeschön
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 22:12 Sa 25.11.2006
Autor: hiphopergirlnrwno2

ich wollte mich nur mal für die schnelle hilfe bedanken!!!
danke nochmal
liebe grüsse sarah

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