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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - pooh
pooh < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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pooh: Umfrage (beendet)
Status: (Umfrage) Beendete Umfrage Status 
Datum: 18:30 Mi 21.01.2009
Autor: little.bubble

Könnte mir das jemand bitte korrekturlesen? wäre echt nett,,, ich weiß es ist viel (ist aber nur der 1. Teil). Es ist schon eine große hilfe, wenn teile korrigiert werden! DANKE im voraus

Frage: das ist eine inhaltsangabe.........hab mich echt schwer bei den tenses getan... soll das presens verwendet werden?

1. In Which We Are Introduced to Winnie-the-Pooh and Some Bees, and the Stories Begin

Pooh wants to get honey from bees, but when he climbs up the tree the branch breaks and he falls down. Pooh has an idea to get the honey. He wants to deceive the bees with a blue balloon, which he gets from Christopher Robin, that they will think that he is a part of the sky. But when Pooh floats up into the sky the bees get suspicious. Pooh doesn’t know how to get down again and Christopher Robin has to shoot the balloon with a gun.

Pooh is walking through the forest and when he comes to an oak-tree, he hears a loud buzzing-noise coming from bees. He thinks that there must be honey, which he likes very much. So he climbs up the tree but the branch breaks and he falls down into a gorse-bush.
Pooh goes to Christopher Robin and asks him if he has a balloon. He has a green and a blue balloon. With the balloon Pooh wants to get honey by deceiving the bees. Pooh wants to look like a small black cloud underneath the blue balloon. So Pooh rolls in / on the mud until he is black all over.
Pooh and Christopher Robin go to the bees. When the balloon is blown up, Pooh holds the string and he floats up into the sky, but the bees get suspicious. Pooh orders Christopher Robin to get an umbrella and to walk up and down that it looks like it is raining. But the bees leave their nest and fly all round Pooh. The Pooh says, that these are the wrong sort of bees.
The next problem is that Pooh doesn’t know how to get down on the ground. So Christopher Robin shoot the balloon with gun and the air comes slowly out of the balloon. Pooh floats down to the ground. His arms are stiff from holding the string.

2. In Which Pooh Goes Visiting and Gets Into a Tight Place
Pooh goes for a walk and comes to Rabbit’s hole. He comes into the house and Rabbit offers him milk and honey. After some time Pooh must go home and starts to climb out of the hole. He pulls and pushes, but Pooh sticks. Christopher Robin wants to get him out of there by pushing him back into the hole but it doesn’t work. The only way to get out there is to get thinner. So Pooh must stay a week there. During this week Christopher Robin reads to him and Rabbit uses Pooh’s back legs as a towel-horse. After one week Christopher Robin, Rabbit and his friends try to get Pooh out there and it works.

3. In Which Pooh and Piglet Go Hunting and Nearly Catch a Woozle
On a winter day Piglet is brushing away the snow and sees Pooh walking round in a circle. Pooh says that he is thinking of something. There shows Piglet the tracks on the ground. Piglet asks if these paw-marks are of a Woozle. Pooh answers. “It may be.” and goes on tracking. Piglet follows him. After some time Pooh stops and notice that there a two tracks of two animals. One is a Woozle and the other is a Wizzle. Then there are three tracks of three animals. Pooh and Piglet meet Christopher Robin sitting on a branch. Piglet, who is timid, says that he has to do something and runs home. Pooh fits his paw into on of the tracks and everything clarifies.

4. In Which Eeyore Loses A Tail and Pooh Finds One
Pooh meets Eeyore, who feels not very how. Pooh walks round him and the he notices that Eeyore’s tail is missing. At once Eeyore says that someone must have taken it. Pooh consents to find his tail for him. So Pooh goes off to find Eeyore’s tail. Than he has the idea to go to Owl, who knows very much. Owl has a knocker and a bell-pull in front of his door. Underneath them there are notices. After a little conversation Owl asks Pooh if he had sawn the notice on his front door. Pooh answers in the negative. So Owl shows him the notices on his front door and then he notices the bell-rope which is Eeyore’s tail. Owl explains that the tail was hanging over a bush and he rang it, but nothing happens. So he took it home. Pooh brings the tail back to Eeyore and Christopher Robin nails it on in its right place. Eeyore is happy again.

5. In Which Piglet Meets a Heffalump
Christopher Robin tells Piglet and Pooh that he has sawn a Heffalump today. Piglet and Pooh wants to see a Heffalump too and so they want to catch one with a cunning trap. Piglet digs a very deep pit while Pooh is getting his jar of honey at home. The honey should serve as a bait for the Heffalump. When he returns, Piglet put the jar of honey at the bottom of the pit. Both go home and they want to meet each other in the morning to look for the Heffalump.
At night Pooh wakes up, because he is hungry. He goes to the shelter and wants to get his jar of honey, but then he remembers that he has put it into the cunning trap to catch the Heffalump. He can’t sleep and so he runs to the trap to get honey. There is only a little bit of honey left so Pooh pushes his head right in the jar, and begins to lick.
Even Piglet wakes up because he thinks of Heffalumps. He goes to see if there is one in the trap. Pooh tries to get his head out of the jar. At the trap Piglet hears a terrible noise and he thinks that there is a horrible Heffalump. Christopher Robin comes to the trap and laughs. Pooh bumps his head against a tree and smashed the jar.

6. In Which Eeyore Has A Birthday And Gets Two Presents
Pooh meets Eeyore, who is sad because it is his birthday and nobody cares. Pooh congratulates and says that he will return with a present. So he goes home to get a small jar of honey and then he meets Piglet, who wants to give Eeyore a balloon as a present. On the way back to Eeyore Pooh is so hungry that he eats the jar of honey. Then he remembers that this was the birthday present for Eeyore. Only the pot is left, which is also useful to keep things in it. He wants to write on it happy birthday and so he asks Owl to do it for him.
Piglet is on the way to Eeyore and holds the balloon against himself so that it shouldn’t blow away. He runs to be the first, but then he stumbles and falls on the balloon, which burst.
Then he comes to Eeyore with the rests of the balloon wishes him many happy returns of the day. Eeyore can’t believe. Piglet gives him the present an explain how it happens. Even Pooh gives him his present. Eeyore puts the balloon in and out of the pot and is happy.

pooh: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 15:14 Fr 23.01.2009
Autor: priyanka

Hallo little.bubble,

Wie du vorgeschlagen hast, korigiere ich dir erst mal den ersten Teil (und da das sowieso als kleines Mädchen meine Lieblingsgeschichte von Winnie-the-Pooh war, passt das schon mal hervorragend :-) )

> 1. In Which We Are Introduced to Winnie-the-Pooh and Some
> Bees, and the Stories Begin
> Pooh wants to get honey from bees, but when he climbs up
> the tree the branch he is standing on breaks and he falls down. Pooh has an
> idea to get the honey. He wants to deceive the bees with a
> blue balloon, which he gets from Christopher Robin, that
> they will think that he is a part of the sky.

Eher: He wants to deceive the bees by using a blue balloon, which originally belongs to Christopher Robin, as a flying aid, so that the they will assume him to be a heavenly body.

> But when Pooh
> floats up into the sky the bees get suspicious. Pooh
> doesn’t know how to get down again and Christopher Robin
> has to shoot the balloon with a gun.
> Pooh is just walking through the forest and when he comes to an
> oak-tree, he hears a loud buzzing-noise coming from bees.

... he hears some bees buzzing loudly.

> He thinks that there must be honey, which he likes very
> much. So he climbs up the tree but the branch, which he is standing on, cracks under his weight and he
> falls down into a gorse-bush.
> Pooh goes to Christopher Robin and asks him if he has a
> balloon. He has a green and a blue balloon. With the
> balloon blue one Pooh wants to get honey by deceiving the bees. Pooh
> wants to look like a small black cloud underneath , holind it over his head
> So Pooh rolls in / on the mud until he is black
> all over.
>  Pooh and Christopher Robin go to the bees. When the
> balloon is blown up, Pooh holds the string and he floats up
> into the sky, but the bees get nbecome suspicious. Pooh orders
> Christopher Robin to get an umbrella and to walk up and
> down that therewith it looks like it is raining. But the bees leave
> their nest hive and fly all round Pooh.

...and cluster round Pooh.

> The Pooh says, that
> these are the wrong sort of bees.

Willst du hier wirklich sagen: Pooh sagt, dass dies die falsche Bienenart ist. ? Wenn ja, was soll das bedeuten???

>  The next problem is that Pooh doesn’t know how to get down
> on the ground. So Christopher Robin shoots the balloon with a
> gun and the air comes slowly out of the balloon .

...with a gun, making the balloon's air puff out slowly.

> Pooh
> floats down to the ground. His arms are stiff from holding
> the string.

pooh: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 16:58 Fr 23.01.2009
Autor: little.bubble


und es wäre nett, wenn jemand den weiteren Teil durchlesen könnte!

pooh: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 15:57 Sa 24.01.2009
Autor: little.bubble


und es wäre nett, wenn jemand den weiteren Teil durchlesen könnte!

noch eine frage:
sagt man:
I am not so good at English? oder in English?

pooh: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:30 Di 27.01.2009
Autor: espritgirl

Hallo little.bubble [winken],

wenn du ins Wörterbuch guckst, dann siehst du, dass die Präposition "at" bevorzugt wird.

Man kann aber beides - zumindest in deinem Beispiel - sagen.

Eine einfache Regel gibts da soviel ich weiß nicht.

Liebe Grüße

Sarah :-)

pooh: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 15:20 Fr 23.01.2009
Autor: espritgirl

Hallo little.bubble [winken],

ich habe aus deiner Frage eine Umfrage gemacht, damit man nicht immer auf "halb-beantwortet" klicken muss, wenn man den ganzen Text nicht korrigiert hat.

Liebe Grüße

Sarah :-)

pooh: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:04 Mi 28.01.2009
Autor: Maluues

2. In Which Pooh Goes Visiting and Gets Into a Tight Place

Pooh goes for a walk and comes to Rabbit’s hole. He comes into the house and Rabbit offers him milk and honey. After some time Pooh must go home and starts to climb out of the hole. He pulls and pushes, but Pooh sticks. Christopher Robin wants to get him out of there by pushing him back into the hole but it doesn’t work. The only way to get out there is to get thinner. So Pooh must stay a week there. During this week Christopher Robin reads to him and Rabbit uses Pooh’s back legs as a towel-horse. After one week Christopher Robin, Rabbit and his friends try to get Pooh out there and it works.

Pooh goes for a walk and comes to Rabbit’s hole. He enters the house where Rabbit offers him milk and honey. After a short period/ long period of time Pooh has to go home hence he starts to climb out of the hole.
Pooh pulls and pushes but he is stucked in the hole. Christopher Robin wants to get him out of there pushing him back into the hole. Since his attempt has failed the only way for Pooh to get out of the hole is to become thinner wherefore he has to stay in his helpless situation.
During this week Christopher Robin reads to him whereas Rabbit uses his legs as a towel-horse.
After one week Christopher Robin, Rabbit and his friends try to get Pooh out of the hole which succeeds.


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