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Forum "Grammatik" - modal verb
modal verb < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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modal verb: aufgaben
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 15:46 Mo 30.10.2006
Autor: hiphopergirlnrwno2

hallo zusammen!!!
kann mir vielleicht einer bei diesen 2 aufgaben  weiter helfen und zwar:
Practising grammar
choose the right MODAL VERB to complete the sentences.

1)charlie reece wanted to start his own helth club, but his friends thought he was crazy and said charlie, you SHOULDN´T do it!(needn`t/shouldn`t)

2) but charlie decided that he really OUGHT TO try. (ought to/might not)

3) he started last year, and first he HAD TO borrow a lot of money. (had to/ must)

4) luckily, his bank WAS ABLE TO help him. (had to/ was able to)

5)now he is doing so well that he MAY be able to pay all the money back this year!in fact, charlie is nearly sure he will be able to. (may/might)

6)he says, i DON´T HAVE TO pay the bank back so fast, but i  want to. (don´t have to/ mustn´t)

ich habe bei der aufgabe die fett gedruckten wörter versucht alleine in den lückentest einzusetzen in den klammern steht immer eines von beiden muss ich da einsetzen ich hoffe ich habe das richtige eingesetzt.

2. complete the farmer´s story, using suitable forms of these MODAL VERBS.


until recently. roger giles was a farmer, but he HAVE TO continue because the farm was losing money heavily. in the end, he CAN sell it. he then moved into town and opened a pet store so that he CAN continue working with animals. but  he says, i really SHOULD succeed with this new business i still MUST pay the bank back a lot of money.
of course, he MUST  work very hard at this new business, but he SHOULD get up as early as he did on the farm. in the old days, i OUGHT TO stay in bed after 5 am because the animals needed attention. now my problem is that i still  MAY stop myself from waking up at 5 am when i really HAVE TO get up until 7 am. i know i SHOULD just turn over and go to sleep again, but i CAN! as for living in town, he says, i suppose i  NEED TO get used to it one day. i OUGHT TO even start to like it, but at the moment i really don`t think so!

in den lückentext habe ich auch versucht die dickgedruckten   wörter da einzusetzen ich weiß aber leider echt nicht ob die wörter da rein passen habe es jedoch versucht deswegen wäre es nett wenn einer mir das kontrollieren kann ob ich die wörter da richtig eingesetzt habe!!!

LG sarah

modal verb: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:16 Mo 30.10.2006
Autor: Nienor

Hi, ich hab mal drübergeschaut:
>  1.
>  Practising grammar
>  choose the right MODAL VERB to complete the sentences.
> 1)charlie reece wanted to start his own helth club, but his
> friends thought he was crazy and said charlie, you
> SHOULDN´T do it!(needn't/shouldn't)


> 2) but charlie decided that he really OUGHT TO try. (ought
> to/might not)


> 3) he started last year, and first he HAD TO borrow a lot
> of money. (had to/ must)


> 4) luckily, his bank WAS ABLE TO help him. (had to/ was
> able to)


> 5)now he is doing so well that he MAY be able to pay all
> the money back this year!in fact, charlie is nearly sure he
> will be able to. (may/might)

Ich würd eher sagen he might be able

> 6)he says, i DON´T HAVE TO pay the bank back so fast, but i
>  want to. (don´t have to/ mustn´t)


> 2. complete the farmer´s story, using suitable forms of
> these MODAL VERBS.
> -CAN
>  -MAY
>  -MUST

until recently. roger giles was a farmer, but he HAVE TO couldn't
continue because the farm was losing money heavily. in the
end, he CAN had to sell it. he then moved into town and opened a
pet store so that he CAN could continue working with animals. but
he says, i really SHOULD must succeed with this new business i
still MUST have to pay the bank back a lot of money.
of course, he MUST had to work very hard at this new business,
but he SHOULD didn't need to get up as early as he did on the farm. in the
old days, i OUGHT TO couldn't stay in bed after 5 am because the
animals needed attention. now my problem is that i still  
MAY must/have to stop myself from waking up at 5 am when i really HAVE
TO ought to   get up until 7 am. i know i SHOULD just turn over and go
to sleep again, but i CAN can't ! as for living in town, he says,
i suppose i  NEED TO might get used to it one day. i OUGHT TO may
even start to like it, but at the moment i really don't
think so!

So, hab in rot dahintergesetzt, wenn ich was anders machen würde. War ziemlich viel... Einige sind auch austauschbar, aber du musst darauf achten, dass das was du schreibst auch kontextmäßig Sinn ergibt! Am Anfang zum Beispiel: Der Farmer muss weiter auf der Farm arbeiten, weil diese keinen Ertrag mehr erwitschaftet? Sei dir im Klaren darüber, was die Bedeutung der Sachen ist, die du da einsetzt, ansonsten kommt nur Wirrwarr raus!

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