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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - englischcomment
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englischcomment: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 14:41 So 20.09.2009
Autor: holi

What do you think of when hearing the words the environmental debate?

hallo erstmal. dies ist mein erster beitrag also bitte ich über kleinere fehler hinweg zu sehen.. danke :)

also: ich muss einen comment im fach englisch über die "environmental debate" mit über 150 wörtern schreiben.

könnte bitte jemand den comment auf gramatische, stilistische und sonstige fehler korrigieren? vielen dank schon mal im vorraus.

What do you think of when hearing the words the environmental debate?

In the following text, I’m going to discuss about the environmental debate.

Today we’re repeatedly confronted with the problem of pollution, toxic waste and destruction of nature.
In the first place is the radioactive waste, which comes from the nuclear power. For example the ultimate waste disposal in Gorleben. As a consequence are many people sick because of this toxic waste. Furthermore the ozone layer will be destroyed, and the ground water will be harmful.

In addition is cutting the rain forest negatively for the ecological equilibrium negatively.
Take for example the extinction of animals. They do not know where to go, if their habitat is destroyed. Consequently for cutting the rain forest is the global warming and the sea level will rise. Moreover lots of species will become extinct.

In conclusion is by hearing the words the environmental debate only negative arguments. The human are going to destroy the earth.

In my opinion we must be careful with what we do. We should use hydroelectric power instead of nuclear power. We should recycling, and use for example more returnable bottles.
We should respect the conservation area.

We must save our planet!

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

englischcomment: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:37 So 20.09.2009
Autor: derdickeduke

> What do you think of when hearing the words the environmental debate?

Kannst du wahrscheinlich nix dafür, aber ich würde sagen: when you hear (dann passt es zur Frageeinleitung)

> In the following text, I’m going to discuss about the environmental debate.

ganz allgemein: wie hält es euer Lehrer/eure Lehrerin mit colloquial english im geschriebenen Text? I'm oder I am? Ich streich's mal nicht an sondern sags nur.

> Today we’re repeatedly confronted with the problem of pollution, toxic waste and destruction of nature. In the first place of what? problems? besser dann: the biggest problem is
> is the radioactive waste, which comes from the nuclear power. For example the ultimate waste disposal

kann man das wirklich so sagen?? Schau mal hier: []http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&lang=de&searchLoc=0&cmpType=relaxed§Hdr=on&spellToler=on&chinese=both&pinyin=diacritic&search=Endlager&relink=on

> in Gorleben. As a consequence are many people sick because of this toxic waste.

Satzbau: As a c. many people are ...

> Furthermore the ozone layer will be destroyed, and the ground water will be harmful
> In addition is cutting the rain forest negatively for the ecological equilibrium negatively.

wieder Satzbau: In add. cutting down the r.f. is negative / has negative consequences...

> Take for anexample the extinction of animals. They do not know where to go, if their habitat is destroyed. Consequently for cutting the rain forest is the global warming and the sea level will rise.

a consequence of cutting down the r.f. is the g.w. and the rising sea level

> Moreover lots of species will become extinct. In conclusion is by hearing the words the environmental debate only negative arguments.

tut mir Leid, den vorangegangen Satz verstehe ich gar nicht

> The human are going to destroy the earth.
> In my opinion we must be careful with what we do. We should use hydroelectric power instead of nuclear power. We should do recycling, and use for example more returnable bottlesand f.e use more r.b.. We should respect the conservation areas. We must save our planet!  

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