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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Write a reproduction
Write a reproduction < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Write a reproduction: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 13:00 Mo 05.09.2005
Autor: suzan

Hallöchen noch einmal :-)
Write a reprudiction of Mr Davenport's business trip to Manchester.

Start like this:
Last week Mr Davenport made a business trip to Machester.

He arrived the Manchester airport an hour an a half ago.
He looked at a taxi and he found once. He stopped the taxi and asked the driver to take him to a hotel called"The Black Bull".
Mr Davenport knew this hotel from a previous visit to Manchester.
He paid the taxi driver and went into the hotel.
He walked to the receptionist and asked him for his room number and his key.
The receptionist gave him the key and told him the room number.
The pageboy helped him with his suitcase, because his room was on the first floor.
Mr Davenport was washimg his body and he put on a clean shirt.
He went to the dinner and ate vegetables, potatoes, meat and drank beer.

Ist die Grammatik so richitg? lieben gruß suzan

Write a reproduction: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 13:51 Mo 05.09.2005
Autor: jeu_blanc


> Start like this:
>  Last week Mr Davenport made a business trip to Machester.
> He arrived the Manchester airport an hour an a half ago.

Ich weiß nicht genau, was du mit dem "an hour and a half ago" aussagen willst - übersetzt bedeutet es ja: "er kam vor eineinhalb Stunden an", was aber im Kontext "vor einer Woche" nicht wirklich sinnvoll erscheint.
Meinst du vielleicht "after an hour and a half of flight, he arrived at..."?

>  He looked at a taxi and he found once.

Da hast du wohl ein, zwei Sachen durcheinander gebracht.
"Nach etwas suchen" wird mit "to look for" übersetzt - "he looked for a taxi".
Außerdem fehlt in deiner zweiten Satzhälfte noch das Objekt: "...and he found one at once" - "...und er fand auf Anhieb eines.".

> He stopped the taxi
> and asked the driver to take him to a hotel called"The
> Black Bull".
>  Mr Davenport knew this hotel from a previous visit to
> Manchester.
>  He paid the taxi driver and went into the hotel.
>  He walked to the receptionist and asked him for his room
> number and his key.
>  The receptionist gave him the key and told him the room
> number.
>  The pageboy helped him with his suitcase, because his room
> was on the first floor.

Ja. :)

> Mr Davenport was washimg his body and he put on a clean
> shirt.

"...washing his body..." klingt etwas ungelenk - es würde zwar jeder verstehen, was gemeint ist, aber im Deutschen sagt man ja auch nicht "...er wusch seinen Körper...". Es würde wohl reichen, wenn du sagst "...washed himself..." oder "...took a bath..." oder dergleichen.

>  He went to the dinner and ate vegetables, potatoes, meat
> and drank beer.

Ja - wobei es stilistisch noch schöner wäre, würdest du vor den letzten Punkt der Nahrungsaufzählung noch ein "and" einfügen, also "...potatoes and meat and drank beer.".

Au revoir!

Write a reproduction: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 14:21 Mo 05.09.2005
Autor: suzan

vielen lieben dank :-) für heute ist auch schluss :-) bye

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