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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Text korrigieren
Text korrigieren < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Text korrigieren: "frage"
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 21:07 Di 10.10.2006
Autor: Mauusebaerle

Kann mir bitte jemand schnell die texte korrigieren ??!! Dankeschöön!
Noise from traffic makes people ill. There is a higher danger of accidents: often fatal accidents. In crowded cities there is Smog and a high pollution. Acid rain and illnesses are reasons. An other aspect is the ozon hole because of too much ozon during sunny weather. The greenhouse effect is also a reason.

My favourite car is an Audi tt because it looks very good. The colour must be blue or black. It also must drive very fast. It should be environmentally friendly. The car is very expensive because it costs about 50 000 E. The car must have chrome rimes. It also must have a good sound system.

A car enables you to go anywhere you want at any time. People have cars as a status symbol. A car is more comfortable than buses or trains, less crowded, always a seat. You can listen to your own music. There is air conditioning. You can ignore timetables. You can take big things like luggage etc. with you larily. You don´t  have to travel with strangers and this is very safety. A car is fun. Police, ambulance, fire brigade need cars to help people. Cars are needed to transport goods like trucks. They are faster than public transport.

Text korrigieren: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:59 Mi 11.10.2006
Autor: Mueritz

Hier sind meine Vorschläge:

The noise of traffic makes people ill. There is a higher
danger of accidents: often fatal accidents. In crowded  cities there is smog and a high pollution. Acid rain and illnesses are reasons (Meinst du Ursachen oder Gründe). An other aspect is the ozon hole because of too much ozon during sunny weather. The
greenhouse effect is also a reason.

My favourite car is a Audi tt because it looks very good.
The colour must be blue or black. It also must drive very
fast. It should be environmental friendly. The car is
very expensive because it costs about 50 000 E. The car
must have chrome rimes. It also must have a good sound

A car enables you to go anywhere you want and at any time.
People have cars as a status symbol. A car is more
comfortable than buses or trains. It is less crowded and there is always a
. You can listen to your own music. There is air
conditioning. You can ignore timetables. You can take big
things like luggage etc. with you easily. You don´t  have
to travel with strangers and it is very safety. A car is
fun. Police, ambulance, fire brigade need cars to help
people. Cars are needed to transport goods like trucks.
They are faster than public transport.

Ich hoffe ich habe dir geholfen


Text korrigieren: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 21:20 Do 12.10.2006
Autor: matux

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