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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Telephone Conservation
Telephone Conservation < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Telephone Conservation: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 20:07 Sa 07.03.2009
Autor: Nightwalker12345

Korrektur zwischen 2 Betrieben ( Telefongespräch )

- Holz. Jane Moo on phone. Who's calling please?
- It's Wulf here.

- How can I help you?
- Could you put me through to the person responsible for the Gartenhäuser?

- Just a second. I'll see if Mr. Leopol is in... I'm sorry, but he's with a customer.
Would you like to leave a message?

- It's rather urgent. The reason I'm calling is that my order of a Gartenhaus isn't there yet. Normally I should get it today at 9 am.
My numer is: 0...

-I couldn't unterstand you. Could you repeat your number, please?

- Of course. 0... But you can reach me only until 2 am. Then i am no longer at home.

- Mr. Leopol will contact you as soon as possible.
- Thank you very much.
- Thanks for calling. Goodbye

Telephone Conservation: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:24 Sa 07.03.2009
Autor: leduart

> Korrektur zwischen 2 Betrieben ( Telefongespräch )
>  - Holz. Jane Moo on phone. Who's calling please?
>  - It's Wulf here.
> - How can I help you?
>  - Could you put me through to the person responsible for
> the Gartenhäuser?


> - Just a second. I'll see if Mr. Leopol is in... I'm sorry,
> but he's with a customer.
>  Would you like to leave a message?
> - It's rather urgent. The reason I'm calling is that my
> order of a Gartenhaus isn't there yet. Normally I should
> get it today at 9 am.

Nicht there sondern here (nicht dort, sondern hier)

>  My numer is: 0...
> -I couldn't unterstand you. Could you repeat your number,
> please?
> - Of course. 0... But you can reach me only until 2 am.
> Then i am no longer at home.

Statt iam I'm

> - Mr. Leopol will contact you as soon as possible.
>  - Thank you very much.
>  - Thanks for calling. Goodbye

Rest ok
Gruss leduart

Telephone Conservation: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:04 Sa 07.03.2009
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Abend,
noch eine kleine Ergänzung zur bereits gegebenen Antwort:

Telephone Conservation = Telephone Conversation

> Korrektur zwischen 2 Betrieben ( Telefongespräch )
>  - Holz. Jane Moo on phone. Who's calling please?
>  - It's Wulf here.
> - How can I help you?
>  - Could you put me through to the person responsible for
> the Gartenhäuser?
> - Just a second. I'll see if Mr. Leopol is in... I'm sorry,
> but he's with a customer.
>  Would you like to leave a message?
> - It's rather urgent. The reason I'm calling is that my
> order of a Gartenhaus isn't there yet. Normally I should
> get it today at 9 am.
>  My number is: 0...
> -I couldn't unterstand you. Could you repeat your number,
> please?
> - Of course. 0... But you can reach me only until 2 am.

Hm, das wäre 2 Uhr morgens... Solltest Du 14 Uhr, bzw. 2 Uhr nachmittags meinen, dann nimm "2 pm".

> Then i am no longer at home.
> - Mr. Leopol will contact you as soon as possible.
>  - Thank you very much.
>  - Thanks for calling. Goodbye

Schönen Gruß

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