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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Summary
Summary < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Summary: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 20:06 Mo 25.05.2009
Autor: az118

Hallo, musste eine Summary über einen mathematischen Text schreiben, wär nett wenn jemand rüber guckt.

The present article deals with functions. At first, the author informs about the definition of functions. Then, he describes the cartesian coordinate system. The author explains the importance of an inverse image and gives an example. Furthermore, he mentioned three important kinds of function and explained it. The article examines the application of a function composition and declares this illustration with an example. The author defined the inverse of a function and describes the conditions with an example. The writer closes his text with examples to give a function and calls another different ways of defining functions.

Summary: Korrektur
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 15:20 Di 26.05.2009
Autor: majamigu

der ist schon fast richtig. Du hast bloß drei Kommas zu viel gesetzt:

The present article deals with functions. At first the author informs about the definition of functions. Then he describes the cartesian coordinate system. The author explains the importance of an inverse image and gives an example. Furthermore he mentioned three important kinds of function and explained it. The article examines the application of a function composition and declares this illustration with an example. The author defined the inverse of a function and describes the conditions with an example. The writer closes his text with examples to give a function and calls another different ways of defining functions.

Hinter "At First", "Then" und "Furthermore" kommen keine Kommas, da sie nur normale Satzglieder sind. Ich denke, dass damit die Frage beantwortet sein sollte.

Gruß majamigu

Summary: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 18:02 Di 26.05.2009
Autor: az118

ok danke...

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