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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Religion in GB
Religion in GB < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Religion in GB: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 21:24 Mi 06.02.2008
Autor: LaBella

Hat vielleciht irgendjemand Lust meinen Text durchzulsesen und Fehler zu suchen ;).
Wäre echt total lieb!
Danke schon mal im Voraus und ganz liebe Grüße!

The listening comprehension deals with religion in Great Britain.
It´s in form of a interview with the Bishop of Rochester Reverend Dr. Michael Nazir-Ali who was born in Pakistan and understands so the multiculturism in England  better than anyone else.
How religious the inhabitants of Great Britain are depends on how you messure it.
About 70% of the population believe in a god and 60% of them belong to a church.
The majority of the faithful visits only one or two times a year a worship, 28% of them monthly and only 14% go to church every week.
In England there is no state church but an established one. So the monarch is the head of it and the clergy is not paid by state.
It´s also said that church has lots of interessts for example in education, health and social policy.
About his own situation as minister of the church of England Nazir-Ali says that  he  often experienced it like a dilemma but a creative dilemma. He also claims that he never thougt that he´ll get the position of the minister. All in all he declares that it was not always easy for him but always be creative and he mentions that of his point of view every society needs a perspective from outside as well as from inside.
About the role of religion in our science orientated society it was said that science can only give you an answer to questions like “what?”or “how?”  and explain the behavoir of objects or things like that but it can´t answer the question “why?”.  So its necessary to have also a spiritual vision.
About the christian-islamic dialogue we´ve heard that the issues have most of the time to do with believe, the nature of god, society, responisbilities and rights, freedom (especially in case of women) ect..
Nowadays the church has sometimes difficulties to make themselve relevant in our modern society but it has many opportunities to adress people parcitular with social issues. Its for example important to organise worhips which are accessable for everybody also for disabeld.
Another thing of a big importance is to reach people and show them how faith relates to their daily life.

Religion in GB: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 19:35 Do 07.02.2008
Autor: rainerS


Dein Text ist gut, du hast allerdings öfter Buchstabendreher und die Präpositionen stimmen nicht immer. Kommas fehlen auch.

Ich habe mal Alles markiert, was ich anders machen würde; du musst selbst entscheiden, was du davon nimmst.

> The listening comprehension deals with religion in Great
> Britain.
> It´s in form of an interview with the Bishop of Rochester,
> Reverend Dr. Michael Nazir-Ali who was born in Pakistan and therefore
> understands so the multiculturism in England  better than
> anyone else.
> How religious the inhabitants of Great Britain are depends
> on how you messuremeasure it.
> About 70% of the population believe in a god and 60% of
> them belong to a church.
>  The majority of the faithful visits only one or two times
> a year a worshipservice,

Ich nehme an, du meinst eine Messe oder sonstige kultische Handlung, da ist "service" das richtige Wort.

> 28% of them monthly and only 14% go to
> church every week.
> In England there is no state church but an established one.
> So the monarch is its head the head of it and the clergy is not paid
> by state.
>  It´s also said that church has lots of interessts, for
> example in education, health and social policy.
>  About his own situation as minister of the church of
> England Nazir-Ali says that  he  often experienced it like
> a dilemma but a creative dilemma. He also claims that he
> never thought that he´ll get the position of the minister.
> All in all he declares that it was not always easy for him
> but always be creative and hHe mentions
> that of his point of view in his opinion every society needs a perspective from outside as well
> as from inside.
> About the role of religion in our science orientated
> society it was said that science can only give you an
> answer to questions like “what?”or “how?”  and explain the
> behavoiriour of objects or things like that, but it can´t answer
> the question “why?”.  So it is necessary to have also a
> spiritual vision.
> About the christian-islamic dialogue we´ve heard that the
> issues have most of the time to do with believef, the nature
> of god, society, responissibilities and rights, freedom
> (especially in case of women) ectetc..
> Nowadays the church has sometimes difficulties to make
> themselveitself relevant into our modern society but it has many
> opportunities to adress people, in particular parcitular with social
> issues. For example, it'sIts for example important to organise worhipsservices which
> are accessable forto everybody, also for disabeldthe disabled.
> Another thing of a biggreat importance is to reach people and
> show them how faith relates to their daily life.

Viele Grüße

Religion in GB: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:19 Do 07.02.2008
Autor: LaBella

hy du..!
danke für deine hilfe..! =)
das ich keine kommas gemacht hab liegt dran das das bei uns irgendwie nicht bewertet wird...es heißt immer bevor mans falsch setzt lieber gar net setzen *hehe*
Alsooo nochmal danke und lg

Religion in GB: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 21:50 Do 07.02.2008
Autor: rainerS


> hy du..!
>  danke für deine hilfe..! =)
>  das ich keine kommas gemacht hab liegt dran das das bei
> uns irgendwie nicht bewertet wird...es heißt immer bevor
> mans falsch setzt lieber gar net setzen *hehe*

Ja, Kommas im Englischen sind für uns Deutsche immer schwierig. Es gibt halt ein paar Fälle, die man sich leicht merken kann:
- Gewisse Worte am Satzanfang werden mit Komma abgetrennt:
     However, ...
     For example, ...
     Therefore, ...
- Aufzählungen, genau wie im Deutschen

Übrigens fiel mir eben noch ein Fehler auf: es heisst "accessible", nicht "accessable".

  Viele Grüße

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