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Forum "Grammatik" - Past tense
Past tense < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Past tense: richtig so? korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 22:46 Fr 21.11.2008
Autor: Asialiciousz

Hello Everybody! =D

Ich habe hier einen Text,. in dem ich die verben in die richtigen Zeiten einsetzen soll.
dise hab ich unterstrichen.

("Put the verbs into the correct past tense. Most are simple past, but some are past progressive, past perfect or past perfect progressive.")

It is sometimes said that Christopher Columbus 'discovered' America. Actually Columbus's feet never had been touching the continent of North America. Columbus sailed across the Atlantic in 1492 and landed on the island of San Salvador. He hadn't beeing the first person to visit the island because people already had lived there when he arrived. In fact, the lived there for thousands of years. Columbus wasn't even the first European in the 'New World' because the Vikings already sailed to North America many years before. And it is possible that Africans made the journey long before that. Columbus made four trips across the Atlantic. One of the main reasons for his travels was that he looked for gold. When he was finding it on Haiti, he had forced the 'Indians' to mine the gold. His treatment of them was cruel. Before Columbus, there was several million native people on Haiti. By 1520 the number fell to a few thousands, thanks mainly the European diseases.

Bitte um Korrektur!

Dankeschön! =)

Past tense: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:19 Sa 22.11.2008
Autor: moody

> It is sometimes said that Christopher Columbus 'discovered'
> America. Actually Columbus's feet never touched
> the continent of North America. Columbus sailed across the
> Atlantic in 1492 and landed on the island of San Salvador.
> He wasn't the first person to visit the island
> because people had  already lived (Wortstellung) there when he arrived. In
> fact, they lived there for thousands of years. Columbus
> wasn't even the first European in the 'New World' because
> the Vikings already sailed to North America many years
> before. And it is possible that Africans have made the journey
> long before that. Columbus made four trips across the
> Atlantic. One of the main reasons for his travels was that
> he looked for gold. When he found it on Haiti, he
> forced the 'Indians' to mine the gold. His treatment of
> them was cruel. Before Columbus, there were several million
> native people on Haiti. By 1520 the number fell to a few
> thousands, thanks mainly the European diseases.

Sollte so stimmen. Wie schon in der Aufgabe steht, das meiste ist einfaches Past Tense.

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