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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Migrants and Minorities
Migrants and Minorities < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Migrants and Minorities: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:19 So 23.05.2010
Autor: Nadine__

Hallöchen =)
da ich leider kein ass in englisch bin, bitte ich um hilfe.

At the beginning of the text the writer writes about the reasons for immigration.
The second paragraph deals with informations about immigration in general. About the groups and the permanent and seasonal immigration.
The middle part presents informantions about the the immigration of an specific group - the Nigerians. The writer outlines the reasons and the procedure for applying. One reason is that the Nigerians to seek refuge. Also because of political or religious persecution. In this paragraph the writer goes into details.
In the next part the theme is presented the illegal immigrants. He gives detailed information about the consequences and the living conditions. One consequence is, for example, that illegal immigrants have no job. They live in fear.
The final paragraph deals with ethnic minorities in general. The writer presented rights when residency is granted. Furthermore he writes about the integration in Great Britain.

Ich hoffe mir kann jemand helfen.

Dankeschön schonmal =)

Migrants and Minorities: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:34 Mo 24.05.2010
Autor: Mary2505


> At the beginning of the text the writer writes about the
> reasons for immigration.
>  The second paragraph deals with informations (information ist immer nur einzahl!!)  about
> immigration in general. About the (special/different) groups and the permanent
> and seasonal immigration.
>  The middle part presents informantions about the the
> immigration of an specific group - the Nigerians. The
> writer outlines the reasons and the procedure for applying.
> One reason is that the Nigerians to seek refuge. Also
> because of political or religious persecution. In this
> paragraph the writer goes into details.
> In the next part the theme is presented the illegal
> immigrants. He gives detailed information about the
> consequences and the(vielleicht their) living conditions. One consequence is,
> for example, that illegal immigrants have no job. (warum ist das eine consequence?? aus was?) They live
> in fear.
>  The final paragraph deals with ethnic minorities in
> general. The writer presented rights when residency is
> granted. Furthermore he writes about the integration in
> Great Britain.


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