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Forum "Grammatik" - Merzahl formen
Merzahl formen < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Merzahl formen: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:31 Mi 19.10.2005
Autor: suzan

My dad has got a lot of (tie).

Aunt Babara likes to travel to foreign(country).
- countrys

Will you feed the (goose)?
- gooses

On the (shelf) there are many (loaf) of bread.
- shelfs, loafes

The (looker-on) were enthusiastic about the (game).
- lookers-on,games

Did you do your (homework)?
- homeworks.

Uncle John lost two (tooth) in an accident.
- toothes.

Where do all these (child) go to?
- children.

ok so??


Merzahl formen: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:28 Mi 19.10.2005
Autor: Herby

Hi Suzan,

> My dad has got a lot of (tie).
>  -ties


> Aunt Babara likes to travel to foreign(country).
>  - countrys

mit "ie" countries

> Will you feed the (goose)?
>  - gooses

der Plural heißt "geese"

> On the (shelf) there are many (loaf) of bread.
>  - shelfs, loafes

shelves, loaves (auch wenn's komisch ausschaut)

> The (looker-on) were enthusiastic about the (game).
>  - lookers-on,games

looker-on kenn ich nicht, nach der Regel müsste es aber richtig sein - ich würde aber "onlookers (Schaulustige)" bevorzugen;
games ist richtig

> Did you do your (homework)?
>  - homeworks.

homework (singular=plural)

> Uncle John lost two (tooth) in an accident.
>  - toothes.

Wie mit den Gänsen ("ee"):  teeth

> Where do all these (child) go to?
>  - children.



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