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Forum "Grammatik" - Mengenbezeichnung
Mengenbezeichnung < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Mengenbezeichnung: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 08:30 Mi 09.11.2005
Autor: suzan

Hallöchen zusammen,

a) Nennen Sie die richtige Bezeichnung:

1. There is (anybody/somebody/something) on the door.
- anybody

2. Your are a liar, there isn't (one/somebody/anybody).
- one.

3. I've found (some/any) very nice towels.
- some

4. You can see me at (some/any) time.
- any

5. I think everything is (no/any/all) right.
- all

6. There were (not/none/no) tickets left.
- none

7. (no/nobody) had cought a mouse.
- nobody

8. Betty had (no/nobody/nothing) but her comb in her handbag.
- nothing

9. He took very (small/little) interest in the story I told him.
- little

10. Did you catch (a little/a few) fish?
- a little

11. "How (much/many/lot of) window panes got broken?"
- many

12. "It was quite (many/much/a lot)."
- a lot

13. They will earn (many/more/most) money with their new horse.
- more

14. On Christmas(much/more/most) people have presents for their relatives and friends.
- most

ist das ok so?

lg suzan

Mengenbezeichnung: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 11:15 Mi 09.11.2005
Autor: milky-way

> Hallöchen zusammen,

Hallo :-)

> a) Nennen Sie die richtige Bezeichnung:
> 1. There is (anybody/somebody/something) on the door.
>  - anybody


> 2. Your are a liar, there isn't (one/somebody/anybody).
>  - one.


> 3. I've found (some/any) very nice towels.
>  - some
> 4. You can see me at (some/any) time.
>  - any
> 5. I think everything is (no/any/all) right.
>  - all
> 6. There were (not/none/no) tickets left.
>  - none


> 7. (no/nobody) had cought a mouse.
>  - nobody
> 8. Betty had (no/nobody/nothing) but her comb in her
> handbag.
>  - nothing
> 9. He took very (small/little) interest in the story I told
> him.
>  - little
> 10. Did you catch (a little/a few) fish?
>  - a little

a few

> 11. "How (much/many/lot of) window panes got broken?"
>  - many
> 12. "It was quite (many/much/a lot)."
>  - a lot
> 13. They will earn (many/more/most) money with their new
> horse.
>  - more
> 14. On Christmas(much/more/most) people have presents for
> their relatives and friends.
>  - most
> ist das ok so?
> lg suzan

Ja, das wars ;-)
Liebe Gruesse,

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