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Forum "Matlab" - Matlab problem
Matlab problem < Matlab < Mathe-Software < Mathe < Vorhilfe
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Matlab problem: Aufgabe Matlab
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 21:45 Fr 17.03.2006
Autor: Kleine_Maus

Consider an LTI system specified by the following constant-coecient di erence equation

       y[n] = a0x[n] + a1x[n − 1] + . . . aM−1x[n −M + 1], (1)

where x[n] is the input, and y[n] is the output sequence, respectively. Let us further assume
that N samples of x[n] and y[n] are available, i.e, for
n = 0..N − 1. We will also assume that
x[n] = 0 for n < 0 and n >N

(a) It is possible to rewrite eq. 1 in the matrix/vector form as

                                   y = Xa, (2)

where y = [y[0] y[1] . . . y[L−1]]T , L = N +M −1, and a = [a[0] a[1] . . . a[M −1]]T . Construct
the matrix X so as to ensure the equivalence to eq. 1. What are the dimensions of the resulting
matrix X?

(b) Write a Matlab function lti equ(x,a) that implements eq. 2 using the results obtained in
the task (a). The function lti equ(x,a) should have two input arguments: an N-dimensional
input sequence {x[n]}, and an M-dimensional vector of system coecients a. The function
should return the resulting output vector y.
Note that it is allowed to use only a single for-loop in your code to construct the matrix
X! The function must work with input sequences and system coecients of arbitrary length
(of course within the memory restriction of your computer).

(c) Check the correctness of your code by comparing the outputs of the lti equ(x,a) function
with the result of the Matlab function conv(x,a) that computes the convolution of the two
input arguments x and a. The outputs of both lti equ(x,a) and conv(x,a) should be
identical1 for the same input sequences and system coecients. Support your prove by the
corresponding plots.

Ich hab folgendes Problem, ich habe vor einer Woche angefangen in Matlab zur arbeiten bin also sehr unerfahren in diesem bereich.
Darum bitte ich euch op mir jemand ansatzweise sagen kann was ich bei dieser Aufgabe machen muss. Bin nicht gerade ein ass im Englisch darum fällt es mir schwer diese Aufgabe zur verstehen.

Danke im voraus !

Ich habe diese Frage auch in folgenden Foren auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt:http://matheplanet.com/

Matlab problem: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 22:20 So 19.03.2006
Autor: matux

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