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Forum "Café VH" - Lachen auf Englisch
Lachen auf Englisch < Café VH < Internes < Vorhilfe
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Lachen auf Englisch: What kind of dog?
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 18:23 Sa 02.07.2005
Autor: Josef

A farmer called Murphy lives alone with his dog in the Northern Irish countryside. When the dog dies, Murphy goes to his priest. "Father Patrick, my beloved dog is dead. Could you possibly say Mass for him?" The priest tells Murphy he can't, but that the Protestants would perhaps give the dog a service. "Thanks for telling me. I'll go right now. By the way, do you think $ 10.000 would be enough to give them?" Murphy asks. Surprised, Father Patrick answers: "But you didn't tell me the dog was Catholic!"

Lachen auf Englisch: Smile!!!
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 07:44 Sa 20.08.2005
Autor: Jan-Robin

Da kenne ich auch einen:

Mrs. Miller took her daughter
15 minutes under water -
not to make her any trouble,
but to see the funny bubbles!


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