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Korrekturlesen: Text über Dystopie und Utopie
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 02:01 Mi 01.12.2010
Autor: Blitz23

Mein Sohn musste einen Text über Utopie und Dystopie in Englisch verfassen. Hierbei bezieht er sich auf die 2 Lieder: Utopia by Goldfrapp and A Smart Kid by Porcupine Tree.
Der Text geht folgendermaßen:

Central questions
How is Utopia and Dystopia defined in music?
What are examples for song which are handle with an utopian or a dystopian topic?
Does it gives different  distinction or categories in which Dystopia and Utopia is limited?

An example of a dystopian song: A Smart Kid by Porcupine Tree
The song has a length of 5 minutes and 22 seconds and appears in the 1999 on the album Stupid Dream. It tells the story of a child on earth who is visited by an alien spaceship. The first three verses describe our planet without any humans. The child is the only person who is living there.
The next section deals with the natural circumstances. It is shown that there was a long winter period and the planet earth is littered with chemicals.
Here (3!) it is said, that the child is just waiting and that he doesn’t know what else he can do. So the verses show the helplessness and powerlessness of the child.  
At the next moment visit a spaceship the earth and the aliens asked about the other people on earth. The child can only tell them that there has been a war in which they have probably won. Because of the fact that the child is alone, he wants that the spaceship take him.
Finally, I can say that the earth is described in this dystopia song as a lonely and ruined place. There are no humans anymore and the sun can’t be seen again.

An example of an utopian song: Utopia by Goldfrapp
The song has a length of 4 minutes and 15 seconds and appears in year 2000. It begins with a description of the environment. In the world are no colors and no sounds.  The person forgets who he is and what he feels.
In the second part of the song it is said that humans can act like God. He can change the life of his dog and give him new eyes.
The last part of the song tells that the world is created humans. For example the person in this song was born as a super brain.
Finally, I can say that the earth is described in this utopian song as a place in which the people can create their own sphere. The people are like to enter a trance and have no feelings but on the other hand they are very clever.

Personal conclusion about utopia and dystopia in music
I like the description of utopia and dystopia in songs, because the instruments or the melody can emphasize the message of the song. It is also possible that the song create an atmosphere for the listener in what way he can sympathizes the same feelings like the protagonist in the song. Another aspect is that the singer can produce with his voice specific emotions to the listener. For example convey a soft and broken voice insecurity and a loud voice self-confidence.

Nun muss er den Text zur nächsten Stunde abgeben. Ich bin sehr schlecht in Englisch(besonders in englischen Fragestellungen) und kann den Text nicht verbessern. Deshalb wünsche ich mir, dass mir jemand den Text korregieren kann, damit er eine gute Note für diese Hausaufgabe bekommt. Es sollten keine Satzbaufehler und Grammatikfehler vorhanden sein.

Vielen Dank im Voraus!

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Korrekturlesen: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 02:20 Fr 03.12.2010
Autor: matux

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