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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrekturlesen
Korrekturlesen < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Korrekturlesen: Kurzgeschichte Teil3
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 15:36 Sa 24.10.2009
Autor: MonaMoe

Peter was stunned. With these clear instructions he had not expected. Three months ago she is now just 12 years old and writes as if she knows what to do just in matters of love. But since he alone did not know what to do, he was following Lulu's instructions step by step.  
When the friends now gathered Saturday evening at the table, Liv should tell a story. She replied that she was only incorporated the entire week and was under observation. Your friends were disappointed, what Peter entgenete them that he understood Liv: `You do not want that, she must find a new job once again.` He took her under his protection. `Well, then I'll tell you a story.`one of the men said `When my great-grandfather, was a young boy, some people sent pigeons. He was so curious about what the people wrote that he shot the pigeons on their way with his father's airgun.  As he entered adulthood, he wrote my great-grandmother romantic love letters. He was so afraid that the letter would not arrive, that he supply a city suburbat any time he sent a pigeons. `The friends laughed heartily. `My grandfather had to learn  the Morse alphabet in the Military
, which he felt to be so boring and hardships that he began to send false information. Then he had to morse a whole essay as a punishment. `, told the other man. All friends laughed again. Then Sui told that she had sent as a little girl every week a message in a bottle. It never received a reply before. `How good that we now have all phones which are much faster and secret, right?`said Peter and blinked to Liv. She grinned in embarrassment.

Korrekturlesen: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 15:20 Di 27.10.2009
Autor: matux

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