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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrektur Bewerbungsschreiben
Korrektur Bewerbungsschreiben < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Korrektur Bewerbungsschreiben: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 14:01 So 14.01.2007
Autor: ShiSue

Hallo ihr lieben Helfer,

braeuchte Hilfe bei der Korrektur meines Berwerbungsschreibens, da es schon so ziehmlich Fehlerfrei sein sollte. Wuerde mich auch ueber verbesserungsvorschlaege freuen.

Danke schon im vorraus.


Hi, I’m ---- a 20jears old girl from ___, a little town in the east of  Germany. Since half a year I’m living in Rotterdam, where I have been studying ‘Culturele en Maatschappelijke Vorming". A big advantage of this is that I now already know the main things about the Netherlands aswell as I can speak and write Dutch resonalaby.
I choose for the Netherlands as I wanted to learn and live in an international environment and as I looking forward to work in an in international company.

I found my love for Tourism very early. So I been always busy traveling throw Europe with my parents. In my early childhood, I got to see the beautiful  landscapes of Hungary, Italy and Spain while I later started to explore Europe and Australia by my self.Summer jobs as animatour, tour guide and  my "work and travel year" in Australia helped me with my decition to be on the rigtht way. An important impact for my decition was as my friend, who is an 3rd jears student ot the CHN.

I think that the characteristics needed to be a good manager in the tourism sector are very spread. I think that the most important aspects to be succesful are organisation skills, teamwork and having an open mind. Of course communication and language skills, backgrounds knowledge about different cultures and to be able to cope with difficult situations are also major parts in this job.

Korrektur Bewerbungsschreiben: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 15:15 So 14.01.2007
Autor: ShiSue

HAllo, dass sind die Fragen die ich beantworden musste. Nur so als Anhaltspunkt.

1. What are the chracteristics needed to be a good manager/expert in your chosen field?
2. Why are you interested in a career in your chosen field?
3. Explain how you have researched your choice of study and prepared yourself for studying in the Netherlands.
4. Please include the names and contact addresses of 2 persons whom CHN can contact for references and additional information on your application. (Those should not be relatives

Korrektur Bewerbungsschreiben: rechtschreibung
Status: (Antwort) fehlerhaft Status 
Datum: 16:04 So 14.01.2007
Autor: NatiSt

Hi, I’m ---- a 20jears(years) old girl from ___, a little town in the east of  Germany. Since half a year I’m living in Rotterdam, where I have been studying ‘Culturele en Maatschappelijke Vorming". A big advantage of this is that I now already know the main things about the Netherlands aswell as(as well as) I can speak and write Dutch resonalaby.(reasonably)
I choose (to choose    | chose, chosen |)for the Netherlands as I wanted to learn and live in an international environment and as I looking forward to work in an (in) international company.

I found my love for Tourism very early. So I been always busy traveling throw Europe with my parents. In my early childhood, I got to see the beautiful  landscapes of Hungary, Italy and Spain while I later started to explore Europe and Australia by my self( myself).Summer jobs as animatour, tour guide and  my "work and travel year" in Australia helped me with my decition(decision) to be on the rigtht way. An important impact for my decition(decision) was (as) my friend, who is an 3rd jears student ot the CHN.

I think that the characteristics needed to be a good manager in the tourism sector are very spread?Sinn unverständlich). I think that the most important aspects to be succesful are organisation skills, teamwork and having an open mind. Of course communication and language skills, background(s)knowledge about different cultures and to be able to cope with difficult situations are also major parts in this job.

Korrektur Bewerbungsschreiben: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:47 So 14.01.2007
Autor: ShiSue

Danke erstmal. Wegen Der Rechtschreibung, hatte leider kein Korrekturprogramm fuer Englisch.
Warum das (as)?An important impact for my decision was (as) my friend, who is an 3rd jears student ot the CHN.
Habe den Text jetzt noch einmal verbessert.

I think that the characteristics needed to be a good manager in the tourism sector are very spread?Sinn unverständlich).  Mit spread habe ich breit gemeint - mir faellt aber leider kein anderes Wort ein.

Ps.:Die Fragen waren nur als Anhaltspunkt and dem ich den Text geschrieben habe.

LG Susa

Hi, I’m ---- a 20 years old girl from ___, a little town in the east of  Germany. Since half a year I’m living in Rotterdam, where I have been studying ‘Culturele en Maatschappelijke Vorming". A big advantage of this is that I now already know the main things about the Netherlands aswell as well as I can speak and write Dutch reasonably.
I chose for the Netherlands as I wanted to learn and live in an international environment and as I looking forward to work in an international company.

I found my love for Tourism very early. So I been always busy traveling throw Europe with my parents. In my early childhood, I got to see the beautiful  landscapes of Hungary, Italy and Spain while I later started to explore Europe and Australia by my self( myself).Summer jobs as animatour, tour guide and  my "work and travel year" in Australia helped me with my decition(decision) to be on the rigtht way. An important impact for my decision was (as) my friend, who is an 3rd jears student ot the CHN.

I think that the characteristics needed to be a good manager in the tourism sector are very spread?Sinn unverständlich). I think that the most important aspects to be succesful are organisation skills, teamwork and having an open mind. Of course communication and language skills, background knowledge about different cultures and to be able to cope with difficult situations are also major parts in this job.

Korrektur Bewerbungsschreiben: Breit gefächert
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 18:06 So 14.01.2007
Autor: Infinit

für den Ausdruck "breit" im Sinne von "weit gefächert" kann man "diversified" nehmen oder auch "wide spread".

Korrektur Bewerbungsschreiben: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 19:45 Mo 15.01.2007
Autor: jasper

Hi,(Hello) I’m ---- a 20jears(years) old girl from ___, a little town in the east of  Germany. Since half a year I’m living in Rotterdam (I have been living in Rotterdam for half a year, where I have been (am)studying ‘Culturele en Maatschappelijke Vorming". A big advantage of this is that I now already know the main things about the Netherlands aswell as(as well as) I can speak and write Dutch resonalaby.(reasonably)(as well as being able to speak and write Dutch reasonably well)
I choose (to choose    | chose, chosen |)for(weglassen) the Netherlands as I wanted to learn and live in an international environment and as(because) I (am)looking forward to work in an (in)(?) international company.

I found (discovered) my love for Tourism very early. So I been always (have always been) busy traveling throw (through) Europe with my parents. In my early childhood, I got to see the beautiful landscapes of Hungary, Italy and Spain while I later started to explore Europe and Australia by my self( myself).Summer jobs as (an)animatour, tour guide and  my "work and travel year" in Australia helped me with my decition(decision) to be on the rigtht way (track). An important impact for my decition(decision) was my friend, who is an(a) 3rd jears student ot the CHN.

I think that the characteristics needed to be a good manager in the tourism sector are very spread (varying)? Sinn unverständlich). I think that the most important aspects to be succesful are organisation skills, teamwork and having an open mind. Of course communication and language skills, background knowledge about different cultures and to be able to cope with difficult situations are also major parts in this job.

Korrektur Bewerbungsschreiben: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 19:35 Do 25.01.2007
Autor: Amy1988


also meiner Meinung nach muss es 20 YEAR old girl und nicht years old girl heißen!


Korrektur Bewerbungsschreiben: rechtschreibung
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:06 So 14.01.2007
Autor: NatiSt

Hi, I’m ---- a 20jears(years) old girl from ___, a little town in the east of  Germany. Since half a year I’m living in Rotterdam, where I have been studying ‘Culturele en Maatschappelijke Vorming". A big advantage of this is that I now already know the main things about the Netherlands aswell as(as well as) I can speak and write Dutch resonalaby.(reasonably)
I choose (to choose    | chose, chosen |)for the Netherlands as I wanted to learn and live in an international environment and as I looking forward to work in an (in) international company.

I found my love for Tourism very early. So I been always busy traveling throw Europe with my parents. In my early childhood, I got to see the beautiful  landscapes of Hungary, Italy and Spain while I later started to explore Europe and Australia by my self( myself).Summer jobs as animatour, tour guide and  my "work and travel year" in Australia helped me with my decition(decision) to be on the rigtht way. An important impact for my decition(decision) was (as) my friend, who is an 3rd jears student ot the CHN.

I think that the characteristics needed to be a good manager in the tourism sector are very spread?Sinn unverständlich). I think that the most important aspects to be succesful are organisation skills, teamwork and having an open mind. Of course communication and language skills, background(s)knowledge about different cultures and to be able to cope with difficult situations are also major parts in this job.

Die Inhaltsfragen habe ich nicht bearbetet.

Korrektur Bewerbungsschreiben: Korrekturmitteilung
Status: (Korrektur) kleiner Fehler Status 
Datum: 19:06 Mo 15.01.2007
Autor: jasper

[mm] e^x-x²=0 [/mm]

WIE löse ich diese aufgabe...mein taschenrechner spuck als lösungen: ca. 2; und ca. -0,7 aus....aber das hilft mir noch nicht wirklich weiter

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