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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrektur
Korrektur < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Korrektur: Application letter
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 14:32 So 11.03.2007
Autor: LaBella

Mussten als Hausaufgabe eine Bewerbung als Au pair schreiben.....hat irgendjemand lust meinen Text zu korrigieren???
lg bella

Dear Dr. Forrester,
I am writing to apply for the job as au pair girl.
I am eighteen years old and I have just made my Matura.
I´m learning Englisch in school for about nine years and it was always one of my favourite subjects.
One of my reason for applying is that I like children very much and get good alonge with them.
In my family I´m the oldest of four children and I´ve learned very early to adopt responsibility.
The last two summers I´ve worked in a kindergarden which was a very interessting experience for me.
During the last year I´ve also worked very often as a babysitter.
Another reason why I´m so interested in this job is because I want to settle my English and get to know the english lifestyle.
I hope that you´ll consider m application and look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Sandra Johnson

Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:08 So 11.03.2007
Autor: claire06

Hi Bella,
habe mal einen Blick drüber geworfen.

Dear Dr. Forrester,
I am writing to apply for the job as (an?) au pair girl.
I am eighteen years old and I have just made (Wortfehler, besser: passed) my Matura.
I´m learning (falsche Zeit) Englisch   (Rechtschreibung) in (kontrolliere mal diese Präposition) school for about nine years and it was (hier nochmal auf die richtige Zeit achten) always one of my favourite subjects.
One of my reason for applying (das kannst du so nicht sagen, besser: One reason for my application) is that I like children very much and get good alonge   (Rechtschreibung!) with them.
In my family (Dieser Teil ist unnötig, weil es ware unwahrscheinlich, dass du von einer anderen redest) I´m the oldest of four children and I´ve learned Zeit kontrollieren) very early to adopt (Wortfehler: assume oder take on) responsibility.
The last two summers I´ve worked (Zeit kontrollieren) in a kindergarden which was a very interesting experience for me.
During the last year I´ve also worked very often as a babysitter.
Another reason why I´m so interested in this job is because I want to settle my English (+knowledge) and get to know the english   (Rechtschreibung) lifestyle.
I hope that you´ll consider m (+y)application and look forward to hearing from you.

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