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Forum "Grammatik" - Indirect Speech
Indirect Speech < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Indirect Speech: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 20:04 Do 26.03.2009
Autor: aaliyah

Halli hallo ^^...
ich schreibe morgen eine wichtige Englisch Arbeit und habe eine Nummer in meinem Englischbuch über dem Indiret Speech gemacht.
Wäre sehr nett, wenn die korrektur von den Sätzen so schnell wie möglich gemacht werden.

1) Dave:"Everyone is paying for the smokers in the end."
- Dave said before that everyone was paying for the smokers in the end.

2) Dave:"Lots of pupils talk when one of the kids in the class has to answer a question. That's really rude.
- Dave said before that lots of pupils talked when one of the kids in the class had to answer a question. That was really rude.

3) Dave:"Does anyone else agree that people just don't act nicely toward one another?"
- Dave asked before that did anyone else agree that people just didn't act nicely toward one another.

4) Sue:"I don't think playing loud music on the bus is rude."
- Sue said before that she didn't think that playing loud music on the bus is rude.

5) Sue: "Why should I stand up on the bus for an older person?"
- Sue asked before that why she should stood up on the bus for an older person.

6) Sue:"It won't matter how I dress for the interview."
-Sue said before that it would't matter how she dressed for the interview.

Hier noch ein Satz vom If-Satz-Typ 3:
I didn't tell my mum what I thought of her hair.
-If I had done that, she would have been hurt.

Ist der richtig?

Vielen dank im voraus...
Lg, aaliyah =)

Indirect Speech: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 06:20 Fr 27.03.2009
Autor: matux

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