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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) infect
Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) infect < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) infect: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 22:08 Mi 18.06.2008
Autor: Mathematik2005

Hallo an ALLE!

Ich muss zu Freitag meinen Präsentationstext für meine Englischpräsentation abgeben, damit der Lehrer erst schonmal bewerten kann.
Ich habe einfach mal meinen Text hier rein kopiert und wollte fragen inwieweit er korrekt ist ob man vll etwas vereinfachen könnte oder allgemein besser schreiben könnte und und und oder vll sogar ob ich etwas wichtiges vergessen habe zu diesem Thema vll hat hier ja jemand Ahnung in diesem Gebiet. Ich freue mich über jede Hilfe und danke jetzt schon mal allen, die sich mühe geben werden!!! DANKE!!!

Symptoms of Hepatitis A Infection

Most of the people with HAV infection have no symptoms at all, especially in (oder ohne “in”) children.

Sometimes symptoms are so mild that they got unnoticed.

Most of these individuals get know that they are infected by getting a blood test later in life.

Older people are more likely to have symptoms than children. In fact, symptomatic hepatitis A infection is directly related to age.

Symptoms of HAV usually develop between 2 and 4 weeks but it can begin as late as 50 days after expose.

Most of the HAV symptoms are not too grave and go away on their own, over time.

Many people who become infected with HAV will have symptoms that include:

• Diarrhea, especially children (Durchfall)
• Low-grade fever
• Loss of appetite
• Rash (Hautauschlag)
• Tiredness, fatigue
• Jaundice ( A yellow discoloration of the skin and the whites of the eyes)
• Urine is dark brownish in color, like cola or strong tea
• Pain in area of liver (on the right side of the abdomen, just under the rib cage)
• Nausea (Brechreiz)
• Vomiting (Erbrechen)

If the infected person is vomiting too much, dehydration may occur and this means that you are / have:

• Feeling weak, tired
• Feeling confused or unable to concentrate
• Rapid heartbeat
• Headache
• Urinating less frequently than usual
• Irritability (Erregbarkeit/Reizbarkeit)

The infection usually clears in up to 2 months but they may last as long as nine months.
Once a person has been infected and their body has fought off the HAV they are immune for the rest of their life.

Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) infect: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 23:00 Mi 18.06.2008
Autor: Mandy_90


> Most of the people with HAV infection have no symptoms at
> all, especially in (oder ohne “in”) children.

Genau,hier kommt das "in" weg.


Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) infect: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 21:19 Do 19.06.2008
Autor: Mathematik2005

Super DANKE!!! Ich war mir da auch nicht so sicher :) aber ist der Rest denn okay?

Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) infect: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:05 Do 19.06.2008
Autor: hAzEL.

Symptoms of Hepatitis A Infection

Most of the people with HAV infection have no symptoms at all, especially in (oder ohne “in”) children.

> "In" gehört raus, wurde ja bereits gesagt, aber der Halbsatz wirkt unvollständig.

Sometimes symptoms are so mild that they got unnoticed.

> That they ARE unnoticed.

Most of these individuals get know that they are infected by getting a blood test later in life.

> Get TO know

>Later in their life.

Older people are more likely to have symptoms than children. In fact, symptomatic hepatitis A infection is directly related to age.

Symptoms of HAV usually develop between 2 and 4 weeks but it can begin as late as 50 days after expose.

> Sinn?! Der Satz ist unlogisch aufgebaut, was genau willst du sagen?

Most of the HAV symptoms are not too grave and go away on their own, over time.

> Go away ist deutsch. Und umgangssprachlich.

Many people who become infected with HAV will have symptoms that include:

> GET infected!!

• Diarrhea, especially children (Durchfall)
• Low-grade fever
• Loss of appetite
• Rash (Hautauschlag)
• Tiredness, fatigue
• Jaundice ( A yellow discoloration of the skin and the whites of the eyes)
• Urine is dark brownish in color, like cola or strong tea
• Pain in area of liver (on the right side of the abdomen, just under the rib cage)
• Nausea (Brechreiz)
• Vomiting (Erbrechen)

If the infected person is vomiting too much, dehydration may occur and this means that you are / have:

• Feeling weak, tired
• Feeling confused or unable to concentrate
• Rapid heartbeat
• Headache
• Urinating less frequently than usual
• Irritability (Erregbarkeit/Reizbarkeit)

The infection usually clears in up to 2 months but they may last as long as nine months.

> Wer ist they? Die Symptome? Bezug!
> "clear in"?

Once a person has been infected and their body has fought off the HAV they are immune for the rest of their life.

Ich hoffe, ich konnte dir n bisschen helfen, hab nur mal drüber gelesen, sind bestimmt noch Fehler drin, aber das gröbste ist raus ;)
Viel Erfolg für deine Präsentation.

Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) infect: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 22:34 Do 19.06.2008
Autor: Mathematik2005



Symptoms of HAV usually develop between 2 and 4 weeks but it can begin as late as 50 days after expose.

> Sinn?! Der Satz ist unlogisch aufgebaut, was genau willst du sagen?

hier wollte ich sagen des es innerhalb 2-4 wochen ausbricht aber es auch nach 50 tagen sogar noch ausbrechen kann also einige zeit später.

The infection usually clears in up to 2 months but they may last as long as nine months.

> Wer ist they? Die Symptome? Bezug!
> "clear in"?

hier wollte ich sagen das man die krankheit nach 2 monaten "verheilt" aber aucgh erst nach neun monaten nachlassen kann... also ich habe mir vieles aus dem netz durchgelesen und angeguckt und mir dann meinen eigenen text verfasst :)

Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) infect: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 02:00 Fr 20.06.2008
Autor: rainerS


> also
> Symptoms of HAV usually develop between 2 and 4 weeks but
> it can begin as late as 50 days after expose.
>  > Sinn?! Der Satz ist unlogisch aufgebaut, was genau

> willst du sagen?
> hier wollte ich sagen des es innerhalb 2-4 wochen ausbricht
> aber es auch nach 50 tagen sogar noch ausbrechen kann also
> einige zeit später.

"expose" ist ein Verb, du meinst "exposure", aber da kannst auch einfach "infection" schreiben.

> The infection usually clears in up to 2 months but they may
> last as long as nine months.
>  > Wer ist they? Die Symptome? Bezug!

>  > "clear in"?

> hier wollte ich sagen das man die krankheit nach 2 monaten
> "verheilt" aber aucgh erst nach neun monaten nachlassen
> kann... also ich habe mir vieles aus dem netz durchgelesen
> und angeguckt und mir dann meinen eigenen text verfasst :)

Ja schon, aber "the infection" ist Einzahl, also muss es "it" statt "they" heissen.

"to clear" klingt hier nicht gut, wie wäre es mit "to disappear" ordrr "to subside"?

Viele Grüße

Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) infect: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 08:47 Fr 20.06.2008
Autor: Mathematik2005



Symptoms of Hepatitis A Infection

Most of the people with HAV infection have no symptoms at all, especially children.
Sometimes symptoms are so mild that they are unnoticed. Most of these individuals get to know that they are infected by getting a blood test later in life.
Older people are more likely to have symptoms than children. In fact, symptomatic hepatitis A infection is directly related to age.
Symptoms of HAV usually develop between 2 and 4 weeks but it can begin as late as 50 days after infection.
Most of the HAV symptoms are not too grave and go away on their own, over time.
Many people who get infected with HAV will have symptoms that include:
• Diarrhea, especially children (Durchfall)
• Low-grade fever
• Loss of appetite
• Rash (Hautauschlag)
• Tiredness, fatigue
• Jaundice ( A yellow discoloration of the skin and the whites of the eyes)
• Urine is dark brownish in color, like cola or strong tea
• Pain in area of liver (on the right side of the abdomen, just under the rib cage)
• Nausea (Brechreiz)
• Vomiting (Erbrechen)
If the infected person is vomiting too much, dehydration may occur and this means that you are / have:
• Feeling weak, tired
• Feeling confused or unable to concentrate
• Rapid heartbeat
• Headache
• Urinating less frequently than usual
• Irritability (Erregbarkeit/Reizbarkeit)
The infection usually disappears in up to 2 months but it may last as long as nine months.
Once a person has been infected and their body has fought off the HAV they are immune for the rest of their life.

Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) infect: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 09:07 Fr 20.06.2008
Autor: rainerS


Ich habe unten markiert, was ich anders machen würde, du musst dann entscheiden, was du schreibst.

> Symptoms of Hepatitis A Infection
> Most of the people with HAV infection have no symptoms at
> all, especially children.
> Sometimes symptoms are so mild that they arego unnoticed.
> Most of these individuals get to know that they arewere
> infected by getting a blood test later in life.
> Older people are more likely to have symptoms than
> children. In fact, symptomatic hepatitis A infection is
> directly related to age.
>  Symptoms of HAV usually develop between 2 and 4 weeks but
> it can beginstart as late as 50 days after infection.
>  Most of the HAV symptoms are not too grave and go away on
> their own, over time.
>  Many people who get infected with HAV will have symptoms
> that include:
>  • Diarrhea, especially children (Durchfall)
>  • Low-grade fever
>  • Loss of appetite
>  • Rash (Hautauschlag)
>  • Tiredness, fatigue
>  • Jaundice ( A yellow discoloration of the skin and the
> whites of the eyes)
>  • Urine is dark brownish in color, like cola or strong
> tea
>  • Pain in area of liver (on the right side of the abdomen,
> just under the rib cage)
>  • Nausea (Brechreiz)
>  • Vomiting (Erbrechen)
>  If the infected person is vomiting too much, dehydration
> may occur and this means that you are / have:
>  • Feeling weak, tired
>  • Feeling confused or unable to concentrate
>  • Rapid heartbeat
>  • Headache
>  • Urinating less frequently than usual
>  • Irritability (Erregbarkeit/Reizbarkeit)
>  The infection usually disappears in up toafter at most 2 months but it
> may last as long as nine months.
>  Once a person has been infected and their body has fought
> off the HAV they are immune for the rest of their life.

Viele Grüße

Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) infect: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 16:11 Fr 20.06.2008
Autor: Mathematik2005

vielen dank rainer!

das go und were habe ich so gelassen aber die letzten beiden änderungen gefallen mir sehr gut :) die habe ich übernommen :) VIELEN DANK AN ALLE DIE MIR GEHOLFEN HABEN!! ICH HOFFE NUR NOCH DAS ES DANN HALT AUCH EINE GUTE NOTE WIRD :D

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