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Forum "Übersetzung" - Grammatikprobleme-Seminararbei
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Grammatikprobleme-Seminararbei: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 00:02 Mo 24.04.2006
Autor: DGmanuelDG

Korrektur meiner Seminararbeit über IKEA bezüglich der Grammatik/Satzgefüge.

Hallo liebe Forenmitglieder,

ich muss in einer Woche eine Seminararbeit abgeben. Ich schreibe über die Gehemnisse des IKEAs Erfolg. Diese Seminararbeit muss ich auf Englisch schreiben.
Ich weiß nicht wer die Lust und Zeit hat mir bei der Verbesserung des Textes zu helfen. Ich habe ein starkes Problem mit der Grammatik und würde mich freuen, wenn es jemand gibt der versuchen könnte den Text zu verbessern? Bis jetzt ist er circa 5 Seiten lang.

Ich würde mich riesig freuen!

Liebe Grüße


Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt

Grammatikprobleme-Seminararbei: Rückfrage
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 10:04 Mo 24.04.2006
Autor: claire06


ich würde ja gerne helfen, aber wo ist denn die Arbeit versteckt??? [kopfkratz3]


Grammatikprobleme-Seminararbei: Korrektur
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 12:02 Mo 24.04.2006
Autor: DGmanuelDG

VIELEN DANK dass Du Dich bereit erklärt hast mir zu helfen. Die Seminararbeit ist mir nämlich ziemlich wichtig und alleine würde ich das nicht schaffen. Ich habe leider keine andere Hilfe.
Schwer tu ich mir vor allem in der Grammatik und im Satzgefüge. Auch bei den Zeiten wusste ich oft nicht weiter! Die nächsten fünf Seiten muss ich noch fertig schreiben. DANKE!


1. Einleitung
    2.   The eleven secrets of success
          2.1   The price factor
                   2.1.1     Continuous price reductions by cost reduction
           The idea of flat packaging
                           The lateral thinking
                   2.1.2    Continuous price reductions required quick acting problem solving    1953:  The first showroom of furniture    1955:  The boykott of victualers    1965:  The showroom in Stockholm   with a new idea
   2.2.    The style factor

“The Secrets of Success – IKEA – Success based on quick-acting problem solving”

1. Einleitung

The roots of IKEA go back to a small court which is located in smaland in the south of Sweden. The well-known and prosperous businessman Ingvar Kamprad is IKEA's founder. IKEA was established by Ingvar Kamprad as one-men company in 1943. Today the ikea group employed approximately 90.000 co-workers in 44 countries. The product range of ikea enfolded approximately 9.500 items. In the previous trad-ing year 2005 about 410 million clients visited the 220 stores in 33 countries. With a turnover of 14.8 billion Euro IKEA ranks among the most successful companies worldwide and in comparison to Adidas or Porsche IKEA has twice as much turnover. The popular catalogue of IKEA is worldwide one of the most sold edition. Of the Edi-tion 2006 were 160 billion exemplars sold.

But how could IKEA grow up to a worldwide operating enterprise that forms the global mass flavour does not like another? And what are the reasons that IKEA has the possibilities to sell a great deal of furniture to million of people whether they are rich or poor? What were the problems in which ikea was confrontated? To cut a long story short which are the secrets of success?

2.   The eleven secrets of success

2.1  The Price factor

The IKEA business idea is

“to offer a wide range of home furnishings with good design and function at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. And still have money left!”

IKEA spies out manufacturers who can produce goods on the cheapest way. IKEA designers combined design and manufacturing process in the most efficient compati-bility to keep the prices low. A further reduction of prices for end customer is the great purchase quantity.

Ikea is the cheapest seller of furniture and tries to keep the prices at 20-30 % under the fair market value. Ikea is always anxious to looking for methods how to lower the cost of production, transport cost, et al.

Ikea works with the long-term low-price strategy. It means that ikea will cut prices step by step in the future. Because of the under average decreasing sale-price fol-lows a disproportionate increasing volume of sale and consequently the turnover of ikea is getting higher. This is a result of the low-price strategy which could be on dis-play as formula like this:

SALE-PRICE   (↓)        •       VOLUME OF SALE   (↑)        =      TURNOVER   (↑)

A practical example is the product in the name of lack. It is a rack and in 1990 it was offered for 27 Euro. In the ikea catalogue 2006 it is offered for just 9.90 Euro. Due to this action the product was sold eight times more than 1990. Totally the intrinsically price reduction was far higher because you have to implicate the buying power of wages which has changed over the years. For example in the year 1974 a labourer worked 17,5 hours for a special product. In 2004 the labourer could earned this money in just 4,5 hours.

2.1.1     Continuous price reductions by cost reduction   The idea of flat packaging

In strict of vision “for a better everyday life” ikea had to abate the product costs. One day ikea co-worker decided to detach a table's legs in order to beware the furniture of transport damage and to make room for more goods. From this day forth ikea was able to save money for further price productions.
By flat packaging the number of damaged goods became less than ever. Ikea could raise the transport volume up to six times. The labour costs of warehouse also were less because the co-workers could transport more goods by camp vehicles. Also the customer take-over cost reduction with self-service and complete the rest of produc-tion namely the self installation at home.
This logistics step it is another point of the successful way which ikea follows.     The lateral thinking

Especially the effective lateral thinking is compared to other stores very highly distinc-tive. It is a special know how which is again and again deciding for this strong accre-tion. Normally most of the dealers search for manufacturers who produce a special kind of goods and order them to manufacture goods of similar type.
But ikea search out with other selection criteria. Ikea is interested in doing business with manufactures who work with uniform manufacturing process which is capable of producing desired goods with certain attributes. A demonstrative example is the modern and comfortable MOMENT sofa
produced by a supermarket trolley factory. The well-fitting table even “won the Excel-lent Swedish Design prize“.    1953:  The first showroom of furniture

In 1953 there was a lot of competition in the market. During this time ikea was situ-ated in a price war and customers could buy furniture time and time again for lower prices, but the quality was in danger. Thus ikea searched for a solution of this prob-lem and decided the opening of the first showroom. Henceforth each customer could satisfy oneself about the quality, function and low prices. So they have choosed the best value with the lowest price. This step was an important point of the ikea concept.     1955:  The boykott of victualers

The competitors forced the suppliers to stop consignment to ikea. Ikea had to search for a quick-acting problem solving and decided to designing its own furniture.
From the date ikea was able to reduce the cost by own production and could refer the prices to the buyer. This was a decisive factor of accelerating growth.
Ultimately, this fly solution would lead to characteristical “democratic design” and im-proved function at lower prices.      1965:  The showroom in Stockholm with new idea

In 1965 a new giant showroom was opened. At the opening a great crowd wanted visiting the showroom but this rush of people created a huge problem because there was under personal in serving the customers. Getting more display space ikea tried to solve this problem as much as possible and letting people serve themselves by opening the storage. The cash and carry method is a typical part of the ikea concept which is still significant for the success of ikea.

2.2  The style factor

Ikea is one of the most well-known world style companies all over the world which has changed the Swedish home decor in the last decades. The Swedish furniture enjoy the international popularity by reason of their Scandinavian democratic design.
The furniture has a natural and practical design and waives needless attributes
which costs a pretty penny.

Its character is simply stamped by a rational mind about living at home. IKEA's pay-able idea is to make the shopping constantly. Therefore the ikea choice is based on the modular conception which allowing the customers to combine their own style mix. A consequence is that customers buy more and more to complete their rooms with furniture they like.
In the sixties the life of young people were informal and self-confident so they liked furniture which should not being for ages. Furniture was compared with the short love life of many couples. The sales promotion supported this trend of changing room generation with strong slogans for upper sales figures.
Another positive effect is the technical design and development of different multime-dia terminals because they encourage the need of modern life with modern furniture.
Ikea is an excellent company in parallelising products with the changing life situation of many people.

Grammatikprobleme-Seminararbei: Antwort (nicht fertig)
Status: (Antwort) noch nicht fertig Status 
Datum: 21:04 Mi 26.04.2006
Autor: nczempin

> 1. Einleitung
>      2.   The eleven secrets of success
>            2.1   The price factor
>                     2.1.1     Continuous price reductions
> by cost reduction
>     The idea of flat packaging
>                             The lateral
> thinking

Lateral Thinking (ohne "the")

Schau dir auch nochmal die Regeln an, was bei Überschriften groß geschrieben wird.

> 2.1.2    Continuous price reductions required quick acting
> problem solving

"quick acting"?

>    1953:  The first showroom of furniture
>    1955:  The boykott of victualers


>    1965:  The showroom in Stockholm   with a new
> idea
>   2.2.    The style factor
> “The Secrets of Success – IKEA – Success based on
> quick-acting problem solving”
> 1. Einleitung


> The roots of IKEA go back to a small court which is located

"small court"? court heißt Platz nur im Sinne von Hof, Hinterhof

> in smaland in the south of Sweden. The well-known and

vermutlich Smaland, großgeschrieben, oder?

> prosperous businessman Ingvar Kamprad is IKEA's founder.

War er denn schon damals well-known und prosperous? Eigentlich kannst du den Satz komplett streichen.

> IKEA was established by Ingvar Kamprad as one-men company
> in 1943. Today the ikea group employed approximately 90.000

IKEA group

Today... employs...

> co-workers in 44 countries.

co-worker sagt man nur, wenn man von einem Mitarbeiter auf den anderen verweist. "employs... people" wäre völlig in Ordnung.

>The product range of ikea

> enfolded approximately 9.500 items.

Warum Vergangenheitsform?
"enfolds"? besser "comprises"

> In the previous

previous sollte man weglassen, es ist doppelt, wenn du 2005 angibst.

> trad-ing year 2005 about 410 million clients

"clients" hat eher ein Rechtsanwalt, bei so vielen sagt man "customers".

> visited the
> 220 stores in 33 countries. With a turnover of 14.8 billion
> Euro


IKEA ranks among the most successful companies

> worldwide and in comparison to Adidas or Porsche IKEA has
> twice as much turnover.

Warum sind Adidas oder Porsche relevant für IKEA??

Stilistisch wäre ausserdem besser einfach "..has twice as much turnover as..." anstatt das Beamtendeutsche "in comparison to"

> The popular catalogue of IKEA is

Das hört sich so an, als gebe es einen beliebten Katalog und einen unbeliebten. Ausserdem besser den Genitiv nehmen als "the ... of", oder sogar einfach "the IKEA catalogue". "One of the most sold edition" ergibt keinen Sinn; was willst du im Deutschen sagen? "meistverkauft" heißt jedenfalls nicht "most sold", und sowieso müsste es "editions" heißen (aber das Wort passt hier auch nicht).
Besser etwa
"Worldwide, the IKEA catalogue is one of the top selling catalogues, selling 160 million copies in 2006." (Wobei, solltest du dich nicht lieber auf die 2005er-Ausgabe konzentrieren? 2006 ist ja noch nicht ausverkauft, oder?)

> worldwide one of the most sold edition. Of the Edi-tion
> 2006 were 160 billion exemplars sold.

Wie kann das sein wenn es nur um die 6 Millarden Menschen auf der Erde gibt?

> But how could IKEA grow up to a worldwide operating
> enterprise that forms the global mass flavour does not like
> another?

Was soll das heißen "the global mass flavour does not like another"?
Irgendwas mit weltweitem Massengeschmack? Geschmack in diesem Sinne heißt "taste". Den Rest des Satzes verstehe ich nicht.

"grow up" sagt man bei Kindern, nicht bei Firmen. "Grow" würde reichen, oder "expand". Das "But" kann man auch weglassen.

>And what are the reasons that IKEA has the

Anstatt "and what are the reasons that" wäre besserer Stil einfach "Why ..."

> possibilities


>to sell a great deal of furniture to million

"so much furniture"
vermutlich "millions of people"

> of people whether they are rich or poor? What were the
> problems in which ikea was confrontated?

with which.. confronted
ausserdem wird eine Firma sicherlich nicht konfrontiert, sondern deren Manager

>To cut a long

> story short

Klischee-Phrase, einfach weglassen.

>which are the secrets of success?

> 2.   The eleven secrets of success
> 2.1  The Price factor
> The IKEA business idea is
> “to offer a wide range of home furnishings with good design
> and function at prices so low that as many people as
> possible will be able to afford them. And still have money
> left!”
> IKEA spies out manufacturers who can produce goods on the

Sicherlich spionieren sie sie nicht aus, sondern spüren sie auf. Vielleicht "seek out", aber vielleicht findest du etwas besseres im Wörterbuch.

"auf...Weise" -> "in... way"

> cheapest way. IKEA designers combined design and

Diskutierwürdig, aber ich würde sagen "The IKEA designers".

"combined" ist abgeschlossene Vergangenheit, machen sie es heute nicht mehr? Also entweder "combine" oder "have combined"

> manufacturing process in the most efficient compati-bility

was ist "the most efficient compatibility"?

willst du vielleicht sagen "auf effizienteste Weise"? -> in the...way

> to keep the prices low.

Der Satz ist ausserdem ein bisschen schwammig; ein bisschen mehr Erläuterung wäre nötig, was sie denn nun genau machen.

>A further reduction of prices for

> end customer is the great purchase quantity.

entweder "the end customer" oder "end customers"; oder noch besser statt "end" "IKEA's" oder ganz weglassen.

anstatt "is" besser "results from"

Und wieder so Beamtensprache, besser:
"IKEA's customers gain further reductions in prices because IKEA purchases the materials in such high quantities.

> Ikea is the cheapest seller of furniture

Im Vergleich womit?

> and tries to keep
> the prices at 20-30 % under the fair market value.

Wie kann das denn sein, dann würden sie ja ruckzuck pleite gehen.
Meinst du die "üblichen" Marktpreise? -> vielleicht "established" oder "common" oder "usual" market prices.

> Ikea is

Bin selbst nicht sicher ob man besser sagt IKEA is oder IKEA are, oder natürlich noch besser "IKEA's managers/sales staff/executives/..."

> always anxious to looking for methods how to lower the cost

anxious to look for methods of lowering production costs, transport costs and so on.

(Aber machen das nicht alle? Da muss schon rüberkommen, dass sie das in einem besonders unüblichen Maße tun)

> of production, transport cost, et al.
> Ikea works with the long-term low-price strategy.

works with a "long-term low-price strategy".

>It means

This means

> that ikea will cut prices step by step in the future.
> Because of the under average decreasing sale-price fol-lows

Because the sales price decreases on average the sales volume increases disproportionately; consequently turnover increases.

Wenn das so ist, warum sind die Preise nicht schon von vorneherein so niedrig?

> a disproportionate increasing volume of sale and
> consequently the turnover of ikea is getting higher. This
> is a result of the low-price strategy which could be on
> dis-play as formula like this:

which one can present like this:

> SALE-PRICE   (↓)        •       VOLUME OF SALE  

sales price, sales volume

> (↑)        =      TURNOVER   (↑)

(Dies ist eine triviale Feststellung, die man nicht als Formel darzustellen braucht. Ausserdem gilt sie nicht nur für IKEA, und nicht nur bei einer Niedrigpreisstrategie, sondern immer: Preis x Menge = Umsatz.)

> A practical example is the product in the name of lack. It

the product called "Iack", a [Regal?->shelf] that was offered for 27 Euros in 1990.

> is a rack and in 1990 it was offered for 27 Euro. In the
> ikea catalogue 2006 it is offered for just 9.90 Euro.

In the 2006 catalogue it is offered for just 9.90 Euros.


> to this action the product was sold eight times more than

This price reduction resulted in an eightfold increase in turnover.

> 1990. Totally the intrinsically price reduction was far

In real terms the price reduction was even higher because one has to take into account inflation.

> higher because you have to implicate the buying power of
> wages which has changed over the years. For example in the
> year 1974 a labourer worked 17,5 hours for a special
> product. In 2004 the labourer could earned this money in
> just 4,5 hours.

...the labourer earned the equivalent amount of money..


> 2.1.1     Continuous price reductions by cost reduction
>   The idea of flat packaging
> In strict of vision “for a better everyday life” ikea had

Was heißt "in strict of vision"?

> to abate the product costs.

Abate heißt eher "besänftigen", passt nicht zu Produktkosten.

>One day ikea co-worker decided

Das scheint ja etwas sehr wichtiges gewesen zu sein, das könnte man etwas dramatischer formulieren als diese

> to detach a table's legs in order to beware the furniture

bewahren != "beware"
beware = "in Acht nehmen"

...in order to protect the furniture from transport damage...

> of transport damage and to make room for more goods. From
> this day forth ikea was able to save money for further
> price productions.

from this day on

>  By flat packaging the number of damaged goods became less
> than ever.

Using flat packaging led to a considerable decrease in the proportion of products damaged during transport. (immer noch etwas Beamtenmäßig)

> Ikea could raise the transport volume up to six
> times.

was able to increase ... up to sixfold.

>The labour costs of warehouse also were less because

> the co-workers could transport more goods by camp vehicles.

Was sind denn camp vehicles??

> Also the customer take-over cost reduction with

customer take-over??

> self-service and complete the rest of produc-tion namely
> the self installation at home.

Das ist doch einer der zentralen Punkte für den Erfolg von IKEA, oder? Das sollte man nicht in einem Satz abhandeln.

>  This logistics step it is another point of the successful
> way which ikea follows.

...another aspect of the successful methods that/which IKEA uses.

>     The lateral thinking

ohne "the"

[ab hier muss ich für heute Schluss machen]

> Especially the effective lateral thinking is compared to
> other stores very highly distinc-tive. It is a special know
> how which is again and again deciding for this strong
> accre-tion. Normally most of the dealers search for
> manufacturers who produce a special kind of goods and order
> them to manufacture goods of similar type.
>  But ikea search out with other selection criteria. Ikea is
> interested in doing business with manufactures who work
> with uniform manufacturing process which is capable of
> producing desired goods with certain attributes. A
> demonstrative example is the modern and comfortable MOMENT
> sofa
> produced by a supermarket trolley factory. The well-fitting
> table even “won the Excel-lent Swedish Design prize“.
>    1953:  The first showroom of furniture
> In 1953 there was a lot of competition in the market.
> During this time ikea was situ-ated in a price war and
> customers could buy furniture time and time again for lower
> prices, but the quality was in danger. Thus ikea searched
> for a solution of this prob-lem and decided the opening of
> the first showroom. Henceforth each customer could satisfy
> oneself about the quality, function and low prices. So they
> have choosed the best value with the lowest price. This
> step was an important point of the ikea concept.
>     1955:  The boykott of victualers
> The competitors forced the suppliers to stop consignment to
> ikea. Ikea had to search for a quick-acting problem solving
> and decided to designing its own furniture.
>  From the date ikea was able to reduce the cost by own
> production and could refer the prices to the buyer. This
> was a decisive factor of accelerating growth.
>  Ultimately, this fly solution would lead to
> characteristical “democratic design” and im-proved function
> at lower prices.
>      1965:  The showroom in Stockholm with new
> idea
> In 1965 a new giant showroom was opened. At the opening a
> great crowd wanted visiting the showroom but this rush of
> people created a huge problem because there was under
> personal in serving the customers. Getting more display
> space ikea tried to solve this problem as much as possible
> and letting people serve themselves by opening the storage.
> The cash and carry method is a typical part of the ikea
> concept which is still significant for the success of
> ikea.
> 2.2  The style factor
> Ikea is one of the most well-known world style companies
> all over the world which has changed the Swedish home decor
> in the last decades. The Swedish furniture enjoy the
> international popularity by reason of their Scandinavian
> democratic design.
>  The furniture has a natural and practical design and
> waives needless attributes
>  which costs a pretty penny.
> Its character is simply stamped by a rational mind about
> living at home. IKEA's pay-able idea is to make the
> shopping constantly. Therefore the ikea choice is based on
> the modular conception which allowing the customers to
> combine their own style mix. A consequence is that
> customers buy more and more to complete their rooms with
> furniture they like.
> In the sixties the life of young people were informal and
> self-confident so they liked furniture which should not
> being for ages. Furniture was compared with the short love
> life of many couples. The sales promotion supported this
> trend of changing room generation with strong slogans for
> upper sales figures.
>  Another positive effect is the technical design and
> development of different multime-dia terminals because they
> encourage the need of modern life with modern furniture.
>  Ikea is an excellent company in parallelising products
> with the changing life situation of many people.

Grammatikprobleme-Seminararbei: Korrektur lesen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 01:29 Do 27.04.2006
Autor: DGmanuelDG

Vielen Dank vorerst! Sie sind mir eine sehr große Hilfe!
Es ist sehr interessant für mich zu erfahren welche Fehler ich mache. Anscheinend sind es zu viele, aber ich lerne gerne daraus.

Ich freu mich schon auf den nächsten Teil!;-)

Grammatikprobleme-Seminararbei: Fortsetzung der Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 01:06 Fr 28.04.2006
Autor: claire06

>     The lateral thinking

ohne "the"

[ab hier muss ich für heute Schluss machen]

> Especially the effective lateral thinking is compared to
> other stores very highly distinc-tive.

vielleicht besser: IKEA uses the effective method/strategy of lateral thinking.

Sorry, aber ich verstehe den Sinn in diesem Vergleich mit „other stores“ nicht sofort. Deshalb würde ich es weglassen. Wenn du damit sagen möchtest, dass lateral thinking sehr markant für IKEA ist Especially for IKEA this strategy has become a very distinctive attribute.

It is a special know

> how which is again and again deciding for this strong
> accre-tion.

„Deciding“ passt nicht, denn hier trifft ja gerade niemand eine Entscheidung, besser “important”. Aber dieser Satz hört sich insgesamt sehr deutsch an. Vorschlag:

It is a special know-how which plays a significant role in the continuously and strong growth of the company.

Normally …Generally…
most of the dealers …Naja, bei uns ist das Wort doch schon recht belastet. Nimm doch retailer oder merchant

search for

> manufacturers who produce a special kind of goods and order
> them to manufacture goods of similar type. ???  …and order similar goods from them.

>  But ikea search (wenn du jetzt wieder vom Konzern IKEA redest, so ist er als Einzahl zu betrachten und es heißt “searches”)

out with other ...another

selection criteria. Ikea is

> interested in doing business with manufactures who work
> with “a”

uniform manufacturing process which is capable of

(capable benutzt man eher auf Menschen bezogen, besser: suitable to produce)

> producing desired goods with certain attributes. A
> demonstrative example is the modern and comfortable MOMENT
> sofa
> produced by a supermarket trolley factory. The well-fitting
> table even “won the Excel-lent Swedish Design prize“.

Die Anführungszeichen schreibst du lieber vor das “Excellent.

>    1953:  The first showroom of furniture
> In 1953 there was a lot of competition in the market.

Ist das heute nicht mehr so? Der Preiskampf ist doch bestimmt nicht zu Ende und die Konkurrenz ist heutzutage härter denn je würde ich sagen. Vielleicht lässt du den Satz weg und fügst die Jahreszahl in den nächsten Satz ein.

> During this time ikea IKEA was situ-ated (to be situated bezieht sich auf Orte, schreib einfach nur “was”


im Krieg sein fordert die Präposition “at”

a price war (vielleicht als Zusatz “with other international furniture companies”) and

> customers could buy furniture time and time again for lower
> prices, … could buy furniture at constantly decreasing prices

but the quality was in danger. Thus ikea IKEA searched

> for a solution of


this prob-lem and decided the opening of

> the first showroom. Henceforth each customer could satisfy (“to see for oneself” im Sinne von “sich selbst davon überzeugen”)
> oneself about the “the” weglassen

quality, function and low prices. So they

> have choosed

... die korrekte grammatische Form ist  “have chosen“

the best value with the lowest price. best value at (die Präposition “with” passt hier nicht, denn zu einem Preis heißt immer “at a price“) low prices.


> step was an important point of the ikea concept.

Der Satz klingt eher suboptimal, denn du bezeichnest hier einen Schritt als Punkt eines Konzepts. Das passt vom Sinn her nicht so gut zusammen. Es klingt logischer, wenn du sagst: „This step led to a substantial progress of the IKEA concept.

>     1955:  The boykott of victualers

„Victualer“ ist nicht sehr geläufig. Man benutzt stattdessen meist “supplier”. Oder hat es eine besondere Bedeutung, dass du dieses Wort in der Überschrift benutzt? (Ich seh grad, dass du „suppliers“ im Folgenden sehr wohl verwendest… [kopfkratz3] ) und “boycott” schreibt man mit “c”.

> The competitors forced the suppliers to stop consignment to
> ikea. Ikea had to search for a quick-acting problem solving

“problem solving” geht nicht. Wie ware es mit: “…quick-acting solution to this problem“ Achte auch auf die Präposition. „solution TO a problem“ – ist immer so :-)

and decided to designing its own furniture.

Nach “decided to” darfst du nicht die –ing Form benutzen. Dieses Verb steht immer mit der Grundform.

>  From the date

Du hast doch gar kein Datum angegeben. Vielleicht besser: „since then“
ikea was able to reduce the cost by own

> production

“reduce the cost” kann man, glaube ich zumindest, so nicht sagen. Kosten reduzieren heißt eigentlich „to bring down costs (by setting up its own production)“
and could refer the prices to the buyer.

Hier machst du besser einen neuen Satz draus. Dieser Anschluss passt jetzt nicht mehr.


> was a decisive factor of accelerating growth.

[kopfkratz] Also, ich bin mir nicht sicher, aber ich würde eher sagen “…factor to accelerate growth”

>  Ultimately “at least”?

, this fly solution would lead to ??? Konjunktivform? Schau dir nochmal die Zeitformen an. Du möchtest hier doch bestimmt eine Vergangenheit benutzen, oder?

Characteristical “democratic design”

Was ist denn ein demokratisches Design?
and improved function


> at lower prices.
>      1965:  The showroom in Stockholm with new
> idea

Entweder du schreibst “with a new idea” oder “with new ideas”

> In 1965 a new giant showroom was opened. At the opening a
> great crowd wanted visiting

Du magst die –ing Form, oder? ;-)  Richtig ist aber: „wanted to visit“ Schau dir diese Formen lieber noch mal an. Es ist nicht schwer  
the showroom but this rush of

> people created a huge problem because there was under
> personal in serving the customers.

Du meinst “there was not enough staff to serve the customers appropriately”

Getting more display

> space ikea tried to solve this problem as much as possible
> and letting people serve themselves by opening the storage.

Diesen Satz müssen wir erstmal umstellen: “IKEA tried to solve this problem as good (nicht much) as possible“ So, und jetzt können wir auch deine geliebte –ing Form benutzen:
„by getting more space and opening the storage, so that customers could help themselves“  

„Display“ erscheint mir überflüssig.

> The cash and carry method is a typical part of the ikea
> concept which is still significant for the success of
> ikea.
> 2.2  The style factor
> Ikea is one of the most well-known world

Ohne “world”
style companies

Was heißt denn “style companies” auf deutsch übersetzt?

> all over the world which has changed the Swedish home decor
> in the last decades. The Swedish furniture enjoy the
> international popularity

Richtig: “to enjoy great international popularity”
by reason of

“because of” klingt irgendwie besser, aber das ist vielleicht zu subjektiv…

their Scandinavian

> democratic design.
>  The furniture has a natural and practical design and
> waives needless attributes
>  which costs

“costs” ist hier Prädikat, also Verb und bezieht sich doch auf “needlesse attributes”. Das ist Plural, also „cost“
a pretty penny.

> Its character is simply stamped by

“stamp” meint prägen in einem eher wörtlichen Sinne, besser: „to be affected by“
a rational mind about

> living at home.

IKEA's pay-able idea is to make the shopping constantly.

Also diesen Satz verstehe ich nicht.

Therefore the ikea choice is based on

> the modular conception which allowing

Da ist sie wieder, die –ing Form. „which allows…“ ist hier richtig.

the customers to

> combine their own style mix. A consequence is that
> customers buy more and more to complete their rooms with
> furniture they like.

“A consequence is” sagt man nicht. “As a consequence customers…”

> In the sixties the

Ohne “the”
life of young people were

Du meinst “das Leben junger Leute war”. „war“ bezieht sich auf das Leben, also heißt es nicht „were“ sondern „was“



and self-confident so

Mir gefällt es ohne “so”, mit Punkt und einem neuen Satz besser
they liked furniture which should not

> being for ages.

Jaja, die –ing Form… “…which should not last for ages”.
Furniture was compared with the short love

> life of many couples. The sales promotion supported this
> trend of changing room generation with strong slogans for
> upper sales figures.
>  Another positive effect is the technical design and
> development of different multime-dia terminals because they
> encourage the need of modern life with

“for” nicht “with”
modern furniture.

>  Ikea is an excellent company in parallelising products
> with the changing life situation of many people.

Viel Erfolg noch und einen schönen Tag,
LG, Claire

Grammatikprobleme-Seminararbei: Vielen Dank!
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 23:42 Fr 28.04.2006
Autor: DGmanuelDG

Ihr habt mir sehr geholfen! "Aus Fehlern lernt man...!":-) Schön, dass
ich mich auf euch verlassen konnte und Zeit für mich gefunden habt!
Woher könnt ihr zu gut Englisch?*g*




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