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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Fazit einer Facharbeit
Fazit einer Facharbeit < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Fazit einer Facharbeit: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:41 Fr 18.04.2008
Autor: Tatze18

Hallo an euch alle!

Ich bin gerade dabei, meine Facharbeit zu beenden. Da wird unser Fazit in Englisch schreiben müssen, wollte ich euch ganz lieb fragen, ob ihr nicht vielleicht einen Blick drüber werfen könntet. Ich wurde mich sehr darüber freuen!!!

During my work on this document I learned both a lot of things about the history of the translation of the Holy Bible and about the great importance of Martin Luther’s status concerning the German translation. I got a deeper insight into his theology and its connection to Luther’s attitude towards the meaning of a translation. He plays a prominent role in the German history and his translation of the Holy Bible is still a part of our lives. If you try to analyse and to compare different “Versions”, it is absolutely necessary to think about the translator’s proceeding. Should it just be a “translation” into a different language or does the translator try to modify the hidden meaning of the words of God. Perhaps the translator does not have the similar intention as the author of the original text had. In my opinion, it is absolutely important to bring the translation in line with its historical context. During my enquires concerning the “Septuaginta”, I found an interesting evidence of the church father Augustin, in which he defines the word of God: “ I am in all languages, the Greek language belongs to me, the Syrian language belongs to me, the Hebrew language belongs to me, all languages of the peoples belong to me”.( übersetzt aus “ Ich bin in allen Sprache, mir gehört Griechisch, mir gehört Syrisch, mir gehört Hebräisch, mir gehören alle Sprachen der Völker)
This statement should be the principal fundament of every translation, because I think it is the translator’s task to bring the word of God to all peoples, trying to life in the way of God. The meaning of God’s words stands above all. So it is said in the Bible itself: “But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it” (Luke, 11, 28)

All in all I would like to say that I have tried to give an overview about the history of the translation of the Bible and Martin Luther’s position in the history of our German language and his important role regarding his work as a translator.

Fazit einer Facharbeit: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:37 So 20.04.2008
Autor: Blutorange

Hier mein Vorschlag, wie ich es formulieren würde (ohne es völlig zu verändern):

<<During my work on this document I learned a lot about the history of the translation of the Holy Bible as well as about the great importance of Martin Luther’s view concerning the German translation.

<<I got a deeper insight not only into its influence on Luther’s opinion on translating, but also into his theology.

<<He played an important role in German's history and still plays even today. His translation of the Holy Bible is still part of our lives.

<<If you try to analyse and to compare different “versions”, it is absolutely necessary to consider the translator’s approach.

<<Is it supposed to be merely a "translation" into a different language or does the translator intend to change the meaning hidden behind God's words?

<<It is possible the translators's intentions and goals differ from the one the original author had.

<<In my opinion, it is of great importance to bring the translation in line with its historical context.
(Um nicht schon wieder "absolutely" zu verwenden.)

<<While doing research on the “Septuaginta”, I discovered something interesting - the church father Augustin defining the word of God:

<<“ I exist in all languages, the Greek language belongs to me, the Syrian language belongs to me, the Hebrew language belongs to me, all lthe peoples' languages belong to me”.
(Schau mal hier http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/nets/edition/ wenn es direkt daraus kommt, auf jeden Falle Quelle noch mit angeben. )

<<Every translation should be based on this fundamental principle. I think it is the translator’s task to convey God's word to everyone, so they can live their life together with God.
[as in being faithful]

<<God’s word stands above all. It is said in the Bible itself: “But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.” (Luke, 11, 28, King James Bible)

<<In the end, I hope I was able to provide the reader with an overview of Martin Luther's part in German's history, his translation of the Bible and his important role regarding his work as a translator.

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