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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - English correction
English correction < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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English correction: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 11:17 Sa 11.07.2009
Autor: Dinker


Wäre sehr dankbar, wenn jemand drüber schauen könnte.

Ralph ist der einzige, der seine Position streitig machen könnte.

Was soll ich da nehmen? Dispute, challenge, contest?

Ralph struggles that the boys observe the rules.

Jack disobeys deliberates Ralph’s rule

The government deprived the citizen of human rights and  self-determination
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In her former civilized world their true nature was suppressed by laws and common matter. But on the island are all this elements meaningless, as a result their true human nature emerge. Therefore their behaviour is controlled by their worst impulses and instincts.

They are free on the island and have the possibility to set their own priorities. As you can see this releases their worst impulses.

More and more the dark humanity prevail.

At first he tries to ignore Clarisse question and to eradicate from his mind, because he considers her questions as weird. Despite he can’t get the girl out of his mind.

Ralph’s human understanding …(nicht nicht aus, um zu verstehen wovon die Kaben getrieben werden..)

He enjoys to spend time with Clarisse. Because she is the first person in his life, who shows interest in his well-being.

The book people come from different areas and had in their previous life various job. But they are connected because of their notion to keep/maintain the book information by memorizing it.

She is so self-centred that he unable to recognize what happens on the right and left side of/from her.

By saying how happy she is, she deceives herself.

They lose their connection to humanity and begins to act like animals. Human being differences from animal through communication, feel sympathize for other, exchange ideas and the possibility to choice. None of these qualities John’s hasn’t the possibility to be alone with her mother in her last life hours, because he is disturbed from a group of people all the time. She blames the BNW for her death, because she died from a overdoses of Soma. His inner turmoil increases so much, that he hasn’t able to keep it back. Therefore he tries to prevent the distribution of Soma, because this drug is responsible for the indifferences, emotionless and the poor way of life. Because of their condition the people aren’t able to understand his riot and message. Therefore it’s a further setback in his life and he must realize he will never lead a life according his ideas.

Beatty represents the totalitarian state system. By the discussion with Montag he defends the system and tries to point out how perfect it (?) works. He emphasizes that it wasn’t the government which had strives this change, but the people themselves. For example it was the public’s desire to avoid controversy in favour of mere entertainment. Eventually the public has become accustomed to enjoying mindless mass communication and loses the interesting in discussion and read books.

He feels it as a duty to tell the other boys, what he has discovered.

Gruss Dinker

English correction: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:20 Di 11.08.2009
Autor: matux

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