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Forum "Matlab" - Anova1
Anova1 < Matlab < Mathe-Software < Mathe < Vorhilfe
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Anova1: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 08:48 Sa 16.06.2007
Autor: makabeli


ich soll ne Varianzanalyse mit Matlab machen, aber in den Daten die ich bekommen habe sind NaN drin, wie geh ich denn damit um?

Anova1: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 18:09 Sa 16.06.2007
Autor: BKM


Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass dieses Programm bei den fehlenden Daten helfen kann. Ansonsten einfach an die Gegebenheiten  anpassen.

Beste Grüße.

% Program to compute a covariance matrix ignoring NaNs
% Usage: C = nancov(A,B)
% NANCOV calculates the matrix product A*B ignoring NaNs by replacing them
% with zeros, and then normalizing each element C(i,j) by the number of
% non-NaN values in the vector product A(i,:)*B(:,j).
% A - left hand matrix to be multiplied
% B - right hand matrix to be multiplied
% C - resultant covariance matrix
% Example: A = [1 NaN 1] , B = [1
%                               1
%                               1]
% then nancov(A,B) is 2/2 = 1

function [C]=nancov(A,B);

NmatA=~isnan(A); % Counter matrix

A(isnan(A))=0; % Replace NaNs in A,B, and counter matrices
B(isnan(B))=0; % with zeros


% Function to compute EOFs from demeaned data with NaNs:
% function [B,vars,amps]=naneof(anom);
% Computes EOFs of ROW DIMENSION in anom matrix

function [B,vars,amps]=naneof(anom);

% Compute covariance of matrix with NaNs

% Compute eigenvectors (EOFs), eigenvalues (variances of amplitudes) of
% data covariance matrix

[B,D]=eig(Cov);       % B = EOFs, diag(D) = eigenvalues
vars=flipud(diag(D)); % eigenvalues = variances of each amplitude

% EIG outputs from low to high, so flip column
% to order from high to low
B=fliplr(B);          % Flip columns left/right to correspond
                      % to adjusted ordering of amplitudes

% Put 0's in for NaNs in ANOM matrix to be able to compute amplitudes

amps=B'*anom;          % amplitudes


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